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Will Izotretinoin help me?


Posted : 11/18/2019 3:55 pm

5DEC711F-DFCE-4485-B983-6EADAE92B00C.jpeg.35eaad2720edbc45c5df05db63de12f9.jpegI™ve been self conscious of my skin for around two years now as I have very large and inflamed pores and I get spots on my cheeks and chin, overall my face is really red and I have some scars , I get a few spots on my chest and back too. After trying several topical creams and lymecycline and doxycycline and having no luck, I™ve been prescribed Izotretinoin but most of the acne I™ve seen on here is 10x worse than mine is, just wondering if my skin is bad enough to take it considering there are a lot of risks and side effects with it. Two of my immediate family members have both been on Izotretinoin too but their acne has been cystic acne, a lot worse than mine. 7B1590AA-EBB7-415C-ACE3-8FD8E2E7493D.jpeg.304638cc280aee6df0bc0dc27a70f051.jpeg


Posted : 11/18/2019 7:40 pm

Si, vale totalmente la pena tomarlo, Porque?, Simplemente evitara mas cicatrices, manchas y muchas cosas mas, Por que no tomarlo?, Puede que no sea un acne muy grave pero mientras se cura uno y sale otro es una cicatriz nueva, eso si, por favor cuidate mucho del sol, el sol es lo mas malo que puede haber, usa siempre bloqueador solar todos los dias asi estes o no estes en tratamientos sensibilizantes.
