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31 year old female - bacterial acne or fungal? (pictures)


Posted : 05/27/2019 9:37 am

I have been off of accutane for 6 years now, went on for really severe hormonal acne, and as of my 31st birthday in February my acne on the jawline has returned. I™ve tried different cleansers, tea tree oil and being vegan for a month.


Just 2 weeks ago my acne was subsiding, tea tree spot treatments before bed, and this past week, it came back with a vengeance in small clusters but unusual. they itch, some are turning into puss filled pimples and they™re extremely red. I should also add in here that my seasonal allergies have never been like this before and that my body is also very itchy, but no break-outs.


Read up on fungal, but I attached images for you to decide (right after the shower last night) Have a dermatologist appointment in 2 weeks so I hope they don™t just throw pills my way and really take a look at what I have.


some additional information that may have something to do with this:

I had a hydra facial done 2 weeks ago.

I use to do microneedling and PRP treatments over the summer (my face didn™t break out and the sessions made my skin look amazing) but i also was using Environ products during treatments. maybe the stop of these caused this?


Currently using:

Cleanser : Accure ˜Seriously Soothing Cleansing Cream™ - [removed]

Moisturizer: Weleda ˜Almond Soothing Face Lotion™ -

Liquid Foundation: Cover FX ˜Natural Finish Foundation Oil Free™ -






Posted : 05/27/2019 8:43 pm

Yes, could easily be fungal acne.

Have you taken antibiotics Do you have dandruff Or a white tongue ?

Fungal acne can be treated safely with topical antifungal creams.

Be aware that most dermatologists do not recognise the existence of fungal acne and they will try and treat the acne as though it is ordinary acne, which wil make the problem worse. Fungal acne is CAUSED by taking antibiotics, possibly accutane, birth control pills and some other meds.

If you get back to me, I can provide information om which topical antifungal to use for you particular type of fungal acne.

In the meantime do not use any moisturisers or organic oils on your skin, other than tea tree oil - fungus loves moisture and the fungus that causes one type of fungal acne feeds on organic oils (it does not feed on tea tree oil).

