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HIV cured, Acne not even close


Posted : 05/05/2019 3:27 pm

Today in my news portal appeared as top news the following:

"Scientist have concluded that by taking the current antiviral medicines HIV cannot be transferred to another person, and that the presence of HIV in the body is negligible."

So HIV basically cured, but acne not even minor progress since Accutane discovery almost 40 years ago...


Posted : 05/06/2019 3:14 pm

Even accutane has its dangers. Not only that, I tried accuntane when I was younger, unfortunately didn't work for me :(. Not that it doesn't work for some, but it's not a cure for me.

Yeah it's frustrating how some people have perfect skin throughout life and others (like myself) will never know what it's like to have a smooth face. Even if I do end up clearing up my acne, there will be a lot of scarring. It's interesting how science hasn't figured out yet why some humans are more prone to acne than others. Seams like that's something they should be able to figure out, eventually. I mean hell, there are people who have never had a pimple in their entire lives, while others are pimples coming out of every pore. It's crazy how that hasn't been solved yet...There is no doubt that at some point in the future, acne will be a thing in the history books. I'm positive that'll be the case at some point. We just weren't born in the right time period I guess lol. At least we weren't born in the mid evil times or before that, life would have been much worse!


Posted : 05/09/2019 11:36 pm

Well Accutane for me and many people is essentially a cure. I used to have severe cystic acne and Accutane put it completely into remission. That's good enough for me.


Posted : 05/12/2019 1:40 pm

On 5/6/2019 at 10:14 PM, JasonCo4 said:

Even accutane has its dangers. Not only that, I tried accuntane when I was younger, unfortunately didn't work for me :(. Not that it doesn't work for some, but it's not a cure for me.

Yeah it's frustrating how some people have perfect skin throughout life and others (like myself) will never know what it's like to have a smooth face. Even if I do end up clearing up my acne, there will be a lot of scarring. It's interesting how science hasn't figured out yet why some humans are more prone to acne than others. Seams like that's something they should be able to figure out, eventually. I mean hell, there are people who have never had a pimple in their entire lives, while others are pimples coming out of every pore. It's crazy how that hasn't been solved yet...There is no doubt that at some point in the future, acne will be a thing in the history books. I'm positive that'll be the case at some point. We just weren't born in the right time period I guess lol. At least we weren't born in the mid evil times or before that, life would have been much worse!


On 5/10/2019 at 6:36 AM, dazzed said:

Well Accutane for me and many people is essentially a cure. I used to have severe cystic acne and Accutane put it completely into remission. That's good enough for me.

Accutane used to be cure for me. Unfortunately every time I used it in low dose, I stopped after couple of months, as I didnt went to ask for more, as my skin was perfectly cleared. Now, accutane doesnt work any more, and any dose higher than 10mg/day is ruining my skin.


We are in a fkin middle ages guys. Doctors are idiots.
