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Horrible cheek pimple


Posted : 09/02/2018 10:54 am

I was having really good skin up until 2 says ago. I can home from work at around nine and went to take my makeup off (I was only wearing a light coverage of powder cuz I was feeling confident with my skin) and I saw a red mark on my cheek that wasnt there when I left for work. Took my makeup off and it was a pimple that was under the skin. I was super upset cuz I thought my skin was looking great. Well I washed my face and put tree tea oil on it and one of the acne patches hoping by the morning the gunk would be sucked out. No luck. In the morning the area was really red and the bump seemed to be bigger. Had to work again that day so I covered it with a bunch of makeup. It looked horrible and it was painful and I ended up coming home from work early because of it. Took my makeup off when I got home and saw that there was a white head to it so I tried to pop it. Very little came out, basically the Whitehead. I squished it really hardvto see if I could get the rest cuz I could still feel stuff in there, but no such luck. I even poked it with a needle and still no gunk came. I put zit cream (BP) on and an acne patch. I kept replacing the acne patch the rest of the day cuz it kept getting filled up. Did my normal face wash and all at night and slept with an acne patch on. Woke up this morning and it™s so horrible :( The mark is huge from the patch and I can still feel a bump. I have no idea what to do. It™s so red, ugly, mad painful. I called into work today because it™s so bad, but I know I need to go in tomorrow. I don™t know if I should keep putting patches on it or what. I really need some help and advice! 



Posted : 09/03/2018 2:01 am

Girl you need to STOP. Pleae stop irritating the pimple even further. That pimple couldve just gone its way, but you kept putting patchea and started messing with it. Especially poping it and trying to take the pus out that probably made the pus travel farther deep inside your pimple causing pain. Whenever a pimple is painful it means there is ous trapped deep inside. So please stop messing with it and let it do its course. Yea, its a pimple it may look unsightly but your kucky its just one pimple. Some of us here has to deal with tens of pimples. Best advice if to leave it alone just let it do its course and dont lop it jusy because yoh see a whitehead. Its only natural to pop if the pus sack is huge. So once again it may look bad, but its only ONE pimple if you make it worse it can. Leave a mark or a scar thag could take forever to heal.
