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Please help me identify these bumps on my face.


Posted : 08/23/2018 11:29 pm

I am having difficulty identifying what these bumps on my face are. They are not painful, sensitive, or cause me any irritation. Early this year, I only had about three, now they are all over my face. Any idea what they could be? What can I do to prevent or get rid of them? 



Posted : 08/27/2018 10:58 am

Could be millia, you could get it removed at a derms office, but itll hurt they have to poke it with a needle and it scabs then it just comes off.

or it could be closed comedomes caused by you using a product thats comedogenic.


Posted : 08/27/2018 8:05 pm

Thanks for responding. I have had milia and currently also have closed comedomes. These bumps are different. They don't appear to be clogged or anything.


Posted : 08/27/2018 9:27 pm

How far had it spread towars your face generally in which sections? For me I just think its a bad case of millia because they can spread especially for some individuals it can spread pretty rapidly. I only suggest this is because of the clear bump ontop your eyelid. Btw closed comedones could look like that whrn its in the early dtages amd when oil further gets trapped it could become more bumpier. I say this because I face those skin colored bumps, and they usually turn into pimple if I physically try to extract it. But my best guess is a bad case of millia. You can go to a derm to see if it is. The only skin colored bumps is either millia or closed comedones. Also look at what youve done did you add a new product from the past 3 weeks? If so try to take it out and go back tk how you normally did things tk see how that works out.
