I finally feel I am in a place comfortable with my skin, take what you wish and whats helpful for you. to clarify, ( I may get one pimple a month?)
Ill cut straight to what helped me, I have very dry skin and then sometimes its very oily.
St Ives Blemish control (wash face once a day at night) do NOT put a lot on your face. If your face feels dry afterwards, you have put on way to much.
my moisturizer is Aloe Vera, (this is when I really experienced a huge difference in my skin. My guess is it will for you too) lotion is just too irritating. NOT just any aloe Vera though Alba Botanical Very Emollient after sun. This is important.
These two two things are all I put on skin, less is more. Sometimes Ill gently wipe my face with water in morning but find it really does strip natural oils away so if I do, its usually just wipe forehead and cheeks.
This alone doesnt make skin clear, theres a couple other things I do.
Suppliments: if skin is very oily,
Zinc (50mg) every other day)
multi vitamin (dont buy cheap brand)
omega 3 for when face feels dry
most important I recommend is probiotic 100%. Twice a day
keep upper lip line clean when eating.
Vit D from sun is a game changer! Make sure you are hydrated and have not overdone it with stripping oils from face. Take omega 3 if its drying. Read into Vit D role in acne, huge difference and a tan is always nice.
Diet: gluten free I try to do. I think sugar isnt the best. Coffee def trigger for me. My suggestion is to not focus on what you cant eat, but just start consuming more salads and fruits. Veggies, etc. allow yourself to cheat on foods.
Working out, I need to be better at as it helps skin rejuvenate.
For men, stop shaving for a couple weeks. I noticed shaving can cause me to break out if Im doing it all the time.
Stop, stop picking at your skin. Even small Whiteheads, give them a chance to go at naturally on their own.
Lastly surround yourself with good people and find what you are passionate about and do it. Best of luck.
You got the ideal program going for you, no questions asked. I have to admit that I have assimilated the exact same steps over the last 12 weeks and my skin has never been better.
If only everyone else in this forum followed this path or at least tried, then this forum might not even be necessary because everyone are acne-free.
Thumbs up from me, and ofc like you said, have a cheat day once in a while, we are all human