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Forever acne scars


Posted : 11/02/2017 2:10 am

I badly need your help. These acnes, pimples and blackheads had been here in my face for 3 executive years. I already used some acne clear product but it didn't work. I already used this 'Ponds Acne Clear Facial foam and Gel, Ponds Acne Clear Pore Condoning Toner, ESKINOL (blackhead prevent and facial deep cleanser),Cetaphil Gentel Skin Cleanser, Gluta-C Acne Control Facial Wash etc.'I can't consult a dermatologist because we're not that rich. I also can't buy expensive products. Please kindly recommend something that id worth my money. I'm a teenager (14 yrs old) and its really hard to boost my confidence because of these acnes. I'm getting insecure to my friends who have a clear skin, but when I ask them they always say that they're all using that same products.



Posted : 11/02/2017 7:04 am

Get to the dr and ask/dont leave without an oral anti biotic or at least maybe a topical anti biotic.


Posted : 11/02/2017 6:27 pm

@DevyMaybe you need to back off from those OTC products. Obviously, your body is not able to tolerate them as intended. So why not go the nature route? Here's what I suggest.

Coconut Oil + Baking Powder Face Wash

If you like the above method, then try the following as well.

Mayonnaise and Coffee Mask--Oh So Good!

They're cheap and effective. Plus, what's good for your health should also be good for your face. Anyway, try them consecutively for the next 10 days and you should definitely see improvement.

Duperele liked

Posted : 11/03/2017 5:19 am

Don't take antibiotics girl!!! not yet. Your acne is very mild and you seem to have very pretty healthy skin around, i would just like Sirius Lee advice you to try some natural routes.
