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Folliculitis - HELP!


Posted : 10/14/2017 8:59 am

Hi All,

I have what I now know is Folliculitis. 

This is typically is in my beard area and hairline at the back of my neck (please see pictures attached). 

It usually occurs when I let my hair grow, and clears up when I get a haircut or trim my beard (with a trimmer and not a razor).

For your information I have tried the following methods to try and clear up this disease: -

  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Witch Hazel Gel
  • Witch Hazel/Aloe Alcohol-Free Toner
  • Turmeric Capsules w/ BioPerine
  • African Black Soap
  • HibiScrub Antimicrobial
  • Benzoyl Peroxide - PanOxyl 
  • Salicylic Acid Moisturiser 
  • Glycolic Acid Pads
  • Glycolic Acid Face Wash
  • Quinoderm Antimicrobial
  • Flucloxacillin 500mg - 10 Day Course
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Tea Tree & Oregano Creme Derma E
This has been with little - moderate results in the long run.

I am now considering laser hair removal at the back of my neck, and i'm not sure what to do about my beard area.

I have not yet gone to a derm or doctor face to face, and have used an online doctor to get my prescriptions.

My plan is to see a GP this week and push for a skin biopsy to find out if this infection is bacterial or fungal etc.

My questions to you guys are: -

Have you experienced this before?

What treatment worked for you?

Is this a bacterial, fungal or yeast infection?

Do you have any additional information and/or advise?

Thank you and hope to hear back soon.






Posted : 10/14/2017 9:14 am

Yep got it too!

you will lose hair mate,here gos!

no doubt the best thing out of thst list that helped was flycloxacillin?if yes,what was itchy and hurt wont hurt as much but i did 3 courses and the folliculitus changed,it wasnt cured.

do taking flucloxacillin 3x at 500mg for 7 days 2x then 500mg for 10 days made it less itchy and painfull but the rash/papules was less.

benzol peroxide didnt realy do anything,badicly anything you spply wont do much good in fact it will more likely make it itch.

hibiscrub,wash every day with it as it will clean your scalp and it can be washed away.

dont suggest anything topical.

lymecycline,408mg 1 a day in morning,its not only clearing my acne the folliculitis seems to be gradualy killing off (hopefully)

folliculitis basicly cant be just killed after a course of anti biotics,takes long term therapy.

tetracycline has basicly over nearly 2 weeks at 408mg 1 a day nigh on killed it.lets put it this way there is hardly anything on my head that i can feel.the course is 56 days long,so nigh on 2 months.

easy to ask bit try not to scratch or itch it.

get to your dr,get tetracycline,this is lymecycline,thetes doxycycline also,get that and report back what happens.

best of luck,suggest you look in bath after washing hair as you will no dubt start to lose hair,also dont suggest cutting your hair all time or keeping it short,get grade 2 and let it grow.

also shave your beard,shaving will keep the face stuff away and if lymecycline works it should clear up but shave at least every 4 days.

you treat folliculitis same as acne but dont ise topicals,hibiscrub and anti biotics

let us know what happens.

