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closed comedones disaster


Posted : 07/15/2017 10:07 pm

Okay so this is probably going to be a some what long writing but I have so much I need to explain about my skin and questions that hopefully people can help me with :) So basically all my life (I'm 16 right now) I've had extremely clear skin with the occasional pimple, but I was always interested in beauty products so ever since I was at a young age, I would purchase all types of cleansers and moisturizers and masks that were formulated for acne prone skin (which I did not have)  and other products for sensitive skin and what not. this continued for years until I basically had a whole collection of products. So last year around November, I began breaking out slightly (not a lot at all) and began putting several different products on my face. its not so much that I would put a lot of products on my face in one day, It was that I would use like 3 products one day and then change to a whole NEW set of three products the next day. so basically everyday I alternated between new face products like washes and moisturizers and masks. I would alternate so frequently because if my skin wasn't significantly better the next day, then I would freak out and change products. I also used apple cider vinegar as a toner and with the Aztecs Indian healing clay. the ACV reallyyyy messed up my skin and made me get several closed comedones. so basically after bombarding my face with all the products, I began to develop closed comedones all over my face and now they have not gone away and seem to be spreading. another side note is that I went to an dog event one time and noticed that my closed comedones became even worse after being in that place. this leads me to thinking I majorly disrupted my acid mantle barrier or lipid barrier or something because it seems that my skin gets irritated and more closed comedones from being in places like that. every single moisturizer I use breaks me out so I just completely quit using it, which is bad I know and leads my skin to being dry and tight most of the time. Usually my skin would get over these kinds of things but this had been going on for several months and I just don't know what to do. I know its my fault for this and I need to know how to fix it. you can see these bumps in certain lighting and they look awful and its just not like me at all. Ive been using pails choice 2% bha liquid which temporarily helps but the bumps always come back. I use dove soap as my cleanser because Im trying to keep it simple, but I know even that can clog your pores. Its just so frustrating for my skin to be this way. if you know a way I can fix this please tell me. also debating going to see the dermatologist , but I know that some things they prescribe can make things worse. I regret my past actions so much and I just need to know how to fix it!! please leave advice and help if you have any. Thank you!! : )


Posted : 07/21/2017 2:53 pm

Try mandelic acid. I've tried other exfoliants like BHA and Glycolic Acid but they both failed me. Mandelic acid cleared up all of my comedones in less than a week. In addition to that, it cleared up my inflammatory acne as well. It's so effective that it is the only thing I need in my skincare regimen to stay clear.
