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are the acne face maps accurate?


Posted : 06/16/2017 12:24 am

you know those diagrams that say if you have acne (insert place you have acne) then its a (insert internal organ problem)? 
are those actually real or just bs? because if its true then my spleen is trashed lol, i have the worst breakout on both sides of my forehead its insane. i feel like they cant be real because what about us with acne pretty much everywhere? are we just walking dead or something? 


Posted : 06/27/2017 1:34 am

Haha. Your post made me giggle :)

Um.. I'd like to think there's some truth to it. I mainly just have acne on my forehead like everywhere on my forehead and the majority of those maps say I should be drinking a TON of water because my digestive system isn't great.. which I guess could be true.


Posted : 06/27/2017 3:51 am

personally I believe it holds some truth. once I ate those processed burritos you store in your freezer I ate like 3 in one go and I woke up with acne alllll over my temples (like 7 huge ones) where the spleen acne would be but yeah ever since then I stopped eating processed food, I baaarely ever get any acne there. if processed food messes your spleen, then yeah its true for me at least. as for my forehead, I took these supplements that help the digestive system and took a colon cleanse and I was sooo shocked to see my forehead pimples finally disappearing. As for now, I just have the cheek acne and scars around my face. I'm just using the regimen to get rid of them. and Im happy its working ;D someone actually asked me if I was wearing foundation today when I wasn't 
huge compliment for someone who've dealt with acne for a long time hehe :3 
