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Redness about 10 months after using regimen (pics)


Posted : 05/21/2017 6:25 am


I have been using the regimen for about 14 months and have cleared all my pimples, but over the last few months  my skin has turned noticeably red near my eyes, nose and cheeks.  The red skin is rough in texture.   I'm not sure if this is related to the regimen or not because it definitely wasn't this red after 10 months but suddenly the redness has started at a point when seemingly my skin would be used to the regimen by now.  After about 8 months I started using Glycolic acid, but only a very small amount.  I stopped using it once the redness started (even though I thought Glycolic acid was supposed to even out skin tone?) but the redness has remained. The redness started after I was using the GC for about 1 1/2 months anyway. I scaled back my the amount of BP I am using but it didn't do anything. I have attached some (crap) pictures to try and give you an idea.  One thing that is interesting is there seems to be a distinct area where my skin is red, as if you look closely in the crevices of my nose the skin is white and seemingly not irritated.  I should add that I am 20. Any help would be appreciated. 




Posted : 05/22/2017 12:14 am

I am not sure what it is becausethe image is not cleared. So, Don't waste any time just visit Demonologist.


Posted : 05/22/2017 2:49 am

The redness may be coming from overuse of product. Did you immediately jump to using glycolic acid every day or work your way up? I would suggest if you reintroduce glycolic acid to your routine, use it every other day or so before doing daily applications.

Your skin could also be dry from the BP in The Regimen. I know when I use too much of the BP my skin becomes inflamed like your pictures. Especially near the eye and upper cheek area, since the skin seems to be a lot thinner there.

Since you mentioned your skin was clearing up, you could start using the BP as a spot treatment & then applying a moisturizer to help calm the redness. When I used The Regimen I stopped using the glycolic acid and replaced it with a regular moisturizer instead, as my skin had an unwanted affect from it.
