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Posted : 05/01/2017 7:25 am

Hi guys.. I'm new here.
little bit of my back ground. Iv always suffered with acne but the last few years I have had it under control just small spots on my face which I could cover with makeup. The start of march I began to break out really bad along my jawline. Neck and slightly on my cheeks!! Cystic and really red. It was heart breaking! My confidence is so low. I'm so depressed..  would do anything to have it all gone!!
Iv just starting taking doxy (day5) and proactiv just over 2 weeks.
i tried epiduo for 2days but my goodness it burnt my skin so bad. It was like crocodile skin which was impossible to cover with make up..
i haven't noticed much difference using proactiv and taking doxy only that it has calmed the redness.
But it's early days??

Looking for any advice please and thank you :)


Posted : 05/03/2017 12:23 am

The problem with the acne product industry is that they suck people like us in. See some acne, and go find a solution. These solutions however trap people in so they can never get out, and keep buying products. Proactiv/ epiduo have benzoyl peroxide, which causes extreme stress on the skin and may get better over a few months, but you will see the side effects like I have. Your skin texture changes, it stops working over time, and if you try to stop you break out like crazy, being forced to buy it AGAIN. I suggest you try the caveman regimen. It's all over google and a good place to look at is the Love Vitamin website. I did this and it saved my skin.

Lisa10 liked