

Posted : 12/01/2016 12:51 am

Hi, everyone.

I'm currently 18 years old. I've struggled with acne since I've been fifteen. It was mild when I was 15, nothing I couldn't deal with on an emotional level, but as I've gotten older it's gotten worse.

Truthfully, it's hard to write this post because I never thought I would feel so bad about something like this.

I never thought of my skin as bad, until when I got a physical for sports the doctor asked whether or not I was treating my skin in any way. I was just using soap at the time. I asked what the doctor was referring towards, and he replied, "Your acne." He told me about how the Walmart-branded Proactiv helped people before.When I got home I ran into the bathroom and it truly hit me like a pile of bricks how bad it was.

Based on the fact I'm posting this, you can probably guess how well the Walmart-branded Proactiv worked for me.

After that, I asked my gym teacher who said I should try not eating gluten or dairy. It cleared my forehead, not my cheeks however. I still felt just as miserable.

I tried accutane. Nothing. I've been using "Oil-Free Acne Moisturizer" by Neutrogena and "Foaming Facial Cleanser" by CeraVe. Needless to say, after 6 months not a single thing different.

For the past month I've been drinking two cups of "bone broth" a day because I read online it would magically cure acne in two weeks. Not at all.

Some say it's due to stress, but at this point I'm stressed out because of acne.

I missed about 45 days of school because of how terrible I felt. Constantly being made fun of for it, even by my supposed best friends on a regular basis.

My mother would bring up the acne on my face so much I literally had to cry, begging her not to bring it up anymore because I truly just couldn't take it.

I feel like it's my fault. I just want the way that I feel to end.My whole family brings it up everyday, to the point where I can't leave my room.Running and going to the gym isn't fun anymore because I feel like everyone is looking at me because of it.

A week before prom in April, I actually wrote a text to my date explaining why I couldn't go. And when I got there, a kid asked me right in front of my date, "When is your faggot, pimple-face going to clear up?" I turned away and looked at my date, it was honestly the most ashamed I've ever felt. Apologies for the offensive term.

Truly, looking the way that I do this past year has been the worst experience of my life. Nothing is fun anymore. More than anything I've ever wanted in my life, I just want this pain to end.

Please help me.


Posted : 12/01/2016 4:54 am

Well let me start by saying that the person who used all the vulgar language is a real dickhead. Don't listen to anything he or she has to say-people in highschool tend to be mean and stupid and none of that will matter in the long term. You still have the best years of your life ahead of you and theywill hopefully be acne free. What I will say is this. You're 17-18 and right now your skin has the ability to heal quickly and turn over faster, so assuming you start treating your acne now, in a year you will be clear, and within another year, scar-free if you have any. When you are in your 20's, none of this will matter. If you didn't notice your acne until someone pointed it out to you, chances are it's not as bad as you think, and people tease you because they know you're insecure about it. What kind of acne do you have? Cystic? Papules and pustules? Or just comedonal? Is your acne hormonal (period time)? Or all the time? Keep up with your diet, it takes months to see a change. Cut out dairy for sure. Get on some vitamin supplements (a,e and zinc). And see a real dermatologist and Not your gp. There are a lot more options than accutane and proactiv.Your date asked you to the prom with your acne, or maybe you asked- but they're not the one who tried to flake, you are. Quite honestly, it is unlikely they notice/care and it may not be all that bad. Don't feel sad, there's always a solution and I guarantee it won't be like this forever. Btw are you a guy or girl?


Posted : 12/01/2016 2:59 pm

9 hours ago, Nishkatt05 said:

Well let me start by saying that the person who used all the vulgar language is a real dickhead. Don't listen to anything he or she has to say-people in highschool tend to be mean and stupid and none of that will matter in the long term. You still have the best years of your life ahead of you and theywill hopefully be acne free. What I will say is this. You're 17-18 and right now your skin has the ability to heal quickly and turn over faster, so assuming you start treating your acne now, in a year you will be clear, and within another year, scar-free if you have any. When you are in your 20's, none of this will matter. If you didn't notice your acne until someone pointed it out to you, chances are it's not as bad as you think, and people tease you because they know you're insecure about it. What kind of acne do you have? Cystic? Papules and pustules? Or just comedonal? Is your acne hormonal (period time)? Or all the time? Keep up with your diet, it takes months to see a change. Cut out dairy for sure. Get on some vitamin supplements (a,e and zinc). And see a real dermatologist and Not your gp. There are a lot more options than accutane and proactiv.Your date asked you to the prom with your acne, or maybe you asked- but they're not the one who tried to flake, you are. Quite honestly, it is unlikely they notice/care and it may not be all that bad. Don't feel sad, there's always a solution and I guarantee it won't be like this forever. Btw are you a guy or girl?

Thanks. That actually means a lot.

I saw a dermatologist she put me on accutane and took me off of it without giving a reason why. I tried calling multiple times, she never responded. When I went to see another dermatologist, she referred me back to the first one and said she wouldn't have put me onto it in the first place because of a history of depression.

I'm an 18 year old guy.

Based off of Google Image, papules. Nothing that is possible to pop. Nothing comes to a white head. Since I am a guy, it's not a cycle, it's all the time.


Posted : 12/01/2016 3:12 pm

That's good news. It means by the time you're 20, you'll probably have found a cure. A lot of women have to deal with hormonal acne for most of their life. I know I probably will. Well at least it's not cystic acne. Google dermatologists and find a bunch in your area. You probably don't need accutane for just papules. There are honestly a whole myriad of other treatments, it's really just a matter of finding a good derm. I'm confident you'll be clear in a year or so if you're determined. You need a dermatologist who will plan a good skin care regimen for you.


Posted : 12/01/2016 5:17 pm


Should I be using any more products than the facial wash and moisturizer?

I drink exclusively water, a lot to be exact (and two cups of bone broth as mentioned), I never have pop, candy, or anything with a lot of sugar. I change my pillowcase everyday. But really nothing's work, and it's extremely discouraging.


Posted : 12/01/2016 5:31 pm

I definitely think more treatment is required. Maybe you need an antibiotic or a topical cream (there are a lot of prescription creams). A combined regimen of both with moisturizer and washing your face. Diet and good hygiene are just a small part of the big picture.


Posted : 12/01/2016 6:21 pm

Great. Thank you very much!
