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HELP! Very worried about my acne situation.


Posted : 08/18/2016 1:42 pm

Hello, I'm 17 and have suffered with spots since I was late 13-14. When 14 they were very bad, I didn't really do anything for them apart from washing my face etc nighttime and they went away naturally, leaving my face at around 15-16. Im now 17 and have had clearish skin with an odd few spots here and there, but recently I have had a surge of spots come up. I'm wondering if this is purely a breakout or if this is going to turn into severe acne? I worry a lot about "what if", as I really couldn't handle severe acne. I use benzoyl peroxide at night and morning and it works but I still get spots coming up on the areas I place it? I haven't suffered from a breakout like this in a while, is this just a breakout or the start of severe acne? Thanks


Posted : 08/19/2016 5:09 pm

I had this too and found something prescribed and a little stronger than benzoyl peroxide alone called epiduo worked a miracle and completely cleared my skin permanently. Also I found switching to soya milk from cows milk helped loads.


Posted : 08/19/2016 6:21 pm

Most likely there are a couple of things going on with you:

1. You are suffering from hormonal breakouts - you are right in the prime of hormone city so you can expect, if you are acne prone, that you will continue to have these types of breakouts unless you find the right treatment plan.
2. The topical medications you are using are not as potent as you think they are. Most over the counter products use (and have to use) clogging oils as preservatives. This is necessary in order to prolong their shelf life. Anything you buy in any store will have them even if they say "Oil Free". I can guarantee it. What this does is it actually aggravates your acne which just totally sucks.

Most likely, once you reach your 20's, your breakouts will become less frequent, unless you are blessed with Adult Acne. Ugh.

My advice: Find a topical product that works for you. Find a small batch, boutique topical product company that does not have to use the clogging oils. The best one I know of (and the one I use) is Ninja Skincare. I have been with them for years and recommend them to whomever I can.

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