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Acne makes me not want to leave the house (pics)


Posted : 05/30/2016 11:17 pm

I am currently routinely every night putting on tretinoin (retin a) while taking an antibiotic called cipro. I was my face twice a day with cetaphil gentle cleanser, put on cerave spf 15 sunscreen and moisturizer then a neutrogena sensitive skin moisturizer. I currently take Wellbutrin and lexapro for depression.

Many face erupted with break outs starting at 13 and have been struggling with acne since. Finally got it under control around 15 and a half years old with trey ion and bactrim. Sadly, the good days have come to an end.

For about two months now my acne has been the worse it's ever been. The photos are taken today. My face was almost completely clear for about two years with the combo but according to my dermatologist, I have become resistant to the antibiotic.

I I was switched from Bactrian 400/800 once a day ( past 2 months changed it myself to two pills a day with no luck) to a medicine called Cipro 500 mg. Looked into it online, but have found little information about its connection to acne. Been on the new antibiotic for about a week now with no change.

Its summer for me right now thank god, I could not go to school like this. Between 13 and 15 if my acne was bad I would either refuse to go or fake sick. Missed about 1/3 the year in 8th and 9th grade.

I have a history story of depression since 13 too, probably not associated with acne due to the fact about half my dad and moms side suffer from it.

My mom took accutane in her early 20s and it saved her. Her acne was worse than mine so I'm scared it's going to get even worse. She still has some adult acne but only a zit every other month.

Thinking about accutane. Parents said at my next dermatologist appointment in 3 weeks, they will bring it up and push for it if my acne hasn't cleared. Parents are prepared to pay for it if it goes down that route. Just scared about the side effects. My mom had almost no short or long term side effects.

Please give me your advice on what to do. What's your experiences with cipro? Accutane?

I have taken akin all of the tricyclics what ever they're called. And docyle ones too. Took amoxicillin with not success, another one that started with a c. Also used epiduo which worked alright, but Doctor preferred retin a for acne scarring.

Please help me!





Posted : 05/31/2016 12:26 pm

Believe it or not it doesn't look that bad. But I totally know how devastating even one or two can be. 0 acne is the best!
Hows your diet? Do you avoid dairy and lots of sugar? I suggest cutting out dairy and soda and really obvious forms of sugar cause inflammation = more acne and dairy & sugar causes inflammation. I suggest trying cod liver oil and maybe vitamin B 5 rather than something as harsh as acvutane or even another antibiotic.
Topically try tea tree pads or sea buckthorn oil rather than harsh stuff.
If you have depression I'd be extremely cautious about accutane. My boyfriend took it for 1 month and he attempted suicide. So make sure if you do go on it you have people to talk to every day about your mental state. Accutane worked for your mom but it doesn't always work in the long run and it can have serious side effects. Its your decision but I'm just throwing info out there, the more you know the better.


Posted : 05/31/2016 4:55 pm

On 5/31/2016 at 0:26 PM, snarkygirl said:

Believe it or not it doesn't look that bad. But I totally know how devastating even one or two can be. 0 acne is the best!
Hows your diet? Do you avoid dairy and lots of sugar? I suggest cutting out dairy and soda and really obvious forms of sugar cause inflammation = more acne and dairy & sugar causes inflammation. I suggest trying cod liver oil and maybe vitamin B 5 rather than something as harsh as acvutane or even another antibiotic.
Topically try tea tree pads or sea buckthorn oil rather than harsh stuff.
If you have depression I'd be extremely cautious about accutane. My boyfriend took it for 1 month and he attempted suicide. So make sure if you do go on it you have people to talk to every day about your mental state. Accutane worked for your mom but it doesn't always work in the long run and it can have serious side effects. Its your decision but I'm just throwing info out there, the more you know the better.

I have cut morning cereal out of the morning so no dairy from there any more. I'll try out some of those vitamins once I get back from vacation and hopefully they do some good.

Many mom swears antibiotics make you break out before you get better, but I feel like that's a ton of garbage. Bactrum was a miracle for me within 2 weeks my skin was getting much better.

Who has heard of Cipro being used for acne?? I haven't. I honestly think this is my dermatologists last stand before he recommends accutane. Thing is I've tried almost all the acne atibiotics. He hasn't mentioned accutane but I'm sure it's getting there in his mind.

Every day this week I have had to pop zits in the morning because they've come to a head and acne with a bunch of white stuff is disgusting, when we finish most of our activities at 4ish because I don't want to go to dinner with more white heads, then at night. Is popping all of this bad? All these cysts are some how popable after a couple days thank god but one goes away and 2 come on.

You may say this isnt bad but even when I get this somehow cleared up, there will be so much scarring it'll take my tretinoin months to clear. Just a understanding of how my face was about 7-8 weeks ago here are some pics from late April.




Posted : 05/31/2016 9:03 pm

I never had any type of " initial break out" whether from antibiotics on other pills. The only think that makes sense with maybe is retinoids.
Ive never tried cipro honestly, don't know much about it. Bactrim I know works well. Doxycycline and minocycline also have worked for me. I'm on Yaz birth control but obviously guys can't take it.
I personally gave never scarred from acne. If it looks like it's ready/
white I think its OK to get the stuff out.
Your skin looks food on these! Did you change or do anything different like go on medicine or weight lifting supplements?
Many people find swimming in the ocean or in chlorinated water clears them up too. Just a suggestion. You look like you wont burn so maybe give it a try?


Posted : 06/01/2016 12:00 am

I was playing golf a lot about 4 weeks before breakout started and in Texas, summer is really hot. My golf hat started causing acne around the temple area for me, which just kept driving me mad. I was washing my hat every other day but I think it was the friction. It started getting kinda bad and so I have kit for bacne which cleared that up great so I said well maybe I should use it on my face instead of tretinoin. I was already starting to break out on my cheeks as well probably a quarter of what is looks in my first pics.

I I thought that it was the tretinoin that had stopped working, and I had success with for bacne, why not switch to that. I did that for probably 2.5 weeks, about 4 weeks ago I stopped it due to no sign of improvement. Looked into it and found tretinoin does not have resistance effect, so it must be the antibiotics. Been back on tretinoin .01 gel for about 4 weeks now.

Could this be another purge from the tretinoin? It was either 2 or 2.5 weeks I was off of it. I wouldn't think I'd break out again, but it's always a possibility.

One of my main concerns is this girl and I have been talking like 6 months went on couple dates then I kinda cut her off (very rude Ik) but she's still into me and I kinda like her. She keeps talking about hanging out when I get back but I don't want her to see me like this!!! She hasn't send me in a while, was only like week into my break out I saw her last and I was okay I was like just like 4 or 5 zits I don't care, but now there is so much scaring and active pimples I don't want to hang out with her even though I really like her.

Advice on on hanging out with her? Only feel like hanging with my two best friends because I know they don't judge me. She probably doesn't either( not that much at least), but I can't be confident in front of her if I see her eyes wandering away from my eyes. Especially is if one of my zits comes to a big ole white head while hanging out with her and I don't know about it!!!!!!
thank you so much

I did also recently add in Wellbutrin for depression on top of my lexapro due to it making me tired. I started couple weeks before big break out started. Could this be a cause??


Posted : 06/01/2016 12:20 pm

12 hours ago, Jpgranier said:

I was playing golf a lot about 4 weeks before breakout started and in Texas, summer is really hot. My golf hat started causing acne around the temple area for me, which just kept driving me mad. I was washing my hat every other day but I think it was the friction. It started getting kinda bad and so I have kit for bacne which cleared that up great so I said well maybe I should use it on my face instead of tretinoin. I was already starting to break out on my cheeks as well probably a quarter of what is looks in my first pics.

I I thought that it was the tretinoin that had stopped working, and I had success with for bacne, why not switch to that. I did that for probably 2.5 weeks, about 4 weeks ago I stopped it due to no sign of improvement. Looked into it and found tretinoin does not have resistance effect, so it must be the antibiotics. Been back on tretinoin .01 gel for about 4 weeks now.

Could this be another purge from the tretinoin? It was either 2 or 2.5 weeks I was off of it. I wouldn't think I'd break out again, but it's always a possibility.

One of my main concerns is this girl and I have been talking like 6 months went on couple dates then I kinda cut her off (very rude Ik) but she's still into me and I kinda like her. She keeps talking about hanging out when I get back but I don't want her to see me like this!!! She hasn't send me in a while, was only like week into my break out I saw her last and I was okay I was like just like 4 or 5 zits I don't care, but now there is so much scaring and active pimples I don't want to hang out with her even though I really like her.

Advice on on hanging out with her? Only feel like hanging with my two best friends because I know they don't judge me. She probably doesn't either( not that much at least), but I can't be confident in front of her if I see her eyes wandering away from my eyes. Especially is if one of my zits comes to a big ole white head while hanging out with her and I don't know about it!!!!!!
thank you so much

I did also recently add in Wellbutrin for depression on top of my lexapro due to it making me tired. I started couple weeks before big break out started. Could this be a cause??

If it makes you feel any better, I doubt this girls abruptness has to do with your acne. A lot of people just flake out on occasion...I'm one of them. If thus girl likes you she probably won't be bothered by your acne. I was never bothered by my boyfriends acne but that's I have it too.
Ever hear " fake it till you make it"? Try acting confident even if you don't feel it. People who can laugh even at themselves are usually the happiest. Like when one of his friends comments on my boyfriends rosacea he laughs it of and comes back with something like " well how's that big old beer gut" or " at least I don't have a micro penis" ...just typical guy stuff.


Posted : 06/01/2016 10:48 pm

She wasn't abrupt at all, it was me. We had a thing going but then I wasn't feeling it so I stopped whatever we had but she's still into me after 6 months ( can you believe that???) I really do appreciate all the support you've given me. It's just so tough. My face was about where it is not 13-15/16 and I've had it clear about 2 or more years. Was just getting the memories of being constantly self conscious, having to hear the occasional comment( god middle school and freshman year people have no filter) and being completely unconfident. Getting rid of my acne 99% changed me completely. Now that it's back all I can think about is how I started secluding myself from all my friends, ( my huge friend group completely disappeared after 5-6 months of no social contact and constantly skipping school to avoid being seen with acne) being having no confidence, and having severe depression.

I heard that wellbutrin may have something to do with acne which may be the case. I started Wellbutrin 2-3 months ago and slowly moved up the dose and now that I think back my break out started writhing 3-4 weeks of taking it.

Would like to to keep taking it, may just be a coincidence. It was helping counteract 2 side effects from lexapro, constant tiredness and a sexual side effect as well.

If anyone out there has experience with taking Wellbutrin I would love to hear if you broke out as well.

Thank you!


Posted : 06/01/2016 11:22 pm

I can seriously say that your face really does not look bad. I probably have just as much as you, but thank god I'm a girl and can use makeup. Yet makeup can only go far, sure I can cover it but you can still see the bumps. I hate my acne so bad. I feel like I tried everything. I'm hoping this acne regime really does work I barely started it on Sunday. I used to be on medication when I was younger, but I stopped since I didn't see a difference.


Posted : 06/02/2016 1:20 pm

14 hours ago, Jpgranier said:

She wasn't abrupt at all, it was me. We had a thing going but then I wasn't feeling it so I stopped whatever we had but she's still into me after 6 months ( can you believe that???) I really do appreciate all the support you've given me. It's just so tough. My face was about where it is not 13-15/16 and I've had it clear about 2 or more years. Was just getting the memories of being constantly self conscious, having to hear the occasional comment( god middle school and freshman year people have no filter) and being completely unconfident. Getting rid of my acne 99% changed me completely. Now that it's back all I can think about is how I started secluding myself from all my friends, ( my huge friend group completely disappeared after 5-6 months of no social contact and constantly skipping school to avoid being seen with acne) being having no confidence, and having severe depression.

I heard that wellbutrin may have something to do with acne which may be the case. I started Wellbutrin 2-3 months ago and slowly moved up the dose and now that I think back my break out started writhing 3-4 weeks of taking it.

Would like to to keep taking it, may just be a coincidence. It was helping counteract 2 side effects from lexapro, constant tiredness and a sexual side effect as well.

If anyone out there has experience with taking Wellbutrin I would love to hear if you broke out as well.

Thank you!

hi, idk about Wellbutrin I take Effexor but it hasn't affected my skin as far as I know. Google uncommon side effects cause anything is possible! Well some girls pursue guys they really like even if you're not that into them.
I've been avoiding people too I admit.
I know my Meds cause tiredness and weight gain. I have terrible allergies too.
keep on searching for answers:)
