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I breakout after I shave


Posted : 05/16/2016 1:05 pm

So I have realized in the past that when I shave my face I break out either the next day or the day after that when the stubble starts coming back. When I don't shave and let my facial hair grow I do trim and I don't break out around my cheek areas or jaw line as long as some facial hair is there. Right now my facial hair has grown out a little bit and I'm tempted to shave but like I said when I do, I break out. I'm very careful when I do shave. The first thing I do is wash my face with warm water and put my barbasol shaving cream on and leave it on for about a minute or two to let the cream sink in to my facial hair to make it easier to shave. Then I start shaving very slowly. After I'm done shaving I rinse my face with cold water and use a moisturizer. Any other suggestions.

I also get really bad razor bumps on the right side of my neck when I shave my neck


Posted : 05/16/2016 9:59 pm

Do me a favor and try a non-comedogenic shaving cream. I use one, but I can't think of the name off the top of my head
