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help with acne


Posted : 11/30/2015 4:41 pm

Hello I am 20 years old and my face is always red in a butterfly form around and on my nose. I have big pores and have tried everything almost nothing seems to help. Should I try a detox mask?


Posted : 12/01/2015 7:17 pm



Posted : 12/01/2015 7:43 pm

Hello! Idon't want to jump to conclusions as to what you have, because it could be a number of different things. Some docs would help you go deeper into finding out the root cause of the redness. My best guess iseczema, from the limited amount of info you gave.

Questions I would find out:

Is the redness always thereor does it show up then go away?
Does it happen at similar times of the day, like a few hours after eating/ingesting anything or applying anything to your face?
Can you think back to when it started showing up, and what you may have been doing differently then?
Does anything seem to make it worse, even if it's "supposed to help"?
Have you gone for long (few days or more) periods of time without it showing up? If so, what were you doing differently?

I really can't hypothesize more than that, other than your face has inflammation, which could be due to internal or external factors. It depends on your answers to the questions above. TBH my diet did most of the heavy lifting so to speak when I was getting over acne, and continues to do so. If you want to try a deep moisturizing mask I don't see any reason why you shouldn't. Just be careful with anything harsh, like "dextoxing"/exfoliating/irritating, because that may only increase the inflammation.


Posted : 12/01/2015 8:49 pm

Butterfly form on that part of the face lets me think lupus. Definitely look it up and see if that matches your symptoms.


Posted : 12/01/2015 9:47 pm

The redness is always there like a rash kind of. Inside my pores there are like tiny grainy looking things. I also do have little acne not much

2 hours ago, Luna878 said:

Hello! Idon't want to jump to conclusions as to what you have, because it could be a number of different things. Some docs would help you go deeper into finding out the root cause of the redness. My best guess iseczema, from the limited amount of info you gave.

Questions I would find out:

Is the redness always thereor does it show up then go away?
Does it happen at similar times of the day, like a few hours after eating/ingesting anything or applying anything to your face?
Can you think back to when it started showing up, and what you may have been doing differently then?
Does anything seem to make it worse, even if it's "supposed to help"?
Have you gone for long (few days or more) periods of time without it showing up? If so, what were you doing differently?

I really can't hypothesize more than that, other than your face has inflammation, which could be due to internal or external factors. It depends on your answers to the questions above. TBH my diet did most of the heavy lifting so to speak when I was getting over acne, and continues to do so. If you want to try a deep moisturizing mask I don't see any reason why you shouldn't. Just be careful with anything harsh, like "dextoxing"/exfoliating/irritating, because that may only increase the inflammation.



Posted : 12/03/2015 12:11 am

Like @leelowe1I also thought lupus, but I think this should be confirmed by a doc. I really recommend you see a dermatologist, just in case.

Those "grainy things" are comedones.(1) Basically they are hardened sebum and dead skin cells (keratinocytes). People with acne-prone skin produce too much sebum and excess keratin (kinda like glue)in these cells, so it all combines to clog up your pores and create those little grainy things, whichcan then turn into worse acne depending on the conditions/specific individual. (2)Keratolytic treatments likesalicylic acid would help to dissolve them.





Posted : 12/03/2015 5:38 am

Butterfly rash made me think rosacea tbh. People talk about having rosacea with 'papules and pustules' so maybe the grainy things are sebum plugs precursory to the papules.

Luna878 liked