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Just threw away all my supplements


Posted : 11/13/2015 9:28 pm

Looking back, I've realized that I started taking new supplements when my skin was already nearly 100% clear, just in an attempt to get it to 100%. Every time I start taking something new, even after I take it for a while (in case it's purging at first), my skin is consistently worse. Fish oil (the highest quality kind that is like $60 on amazon, raw fish oil), cheaper fish oil, vitamin d3, zinc, etc...whatever it is, my skin is consistently worse when taking it. I always try one supplement at a time too.

I just decided to stop it all. I'm done with supplements. I'll try my best to get vitamins and minerals from food, but I'm tired of taking supplements no matter how natural they claim they are. Not sure if it's just a big coincidence, but like I said my skin is consistently worse while on a supplement.

Anyone else?


Posted : 11/15/2015 1:40 pm

Do not fall for these product shills. They try to reccomend you crap like expensive D3, zinc whatever, so you buy more of it and they make more money.
