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Are you fed up with the bs?


Posted : 10/14/2015 5:23 am

Hello. Hope everybody gets to read this and contributes to your healing. This is my 2 year journey on doing research on how to heal my KP, ADHD, Back and Neck Acne, Seborrheic dermatitis on face, Dandruff, Intestinal issues like Heart burn, Bloating, Constipation, oh yes and also Insomnia.

This are all the cures I have found that have worked for me and some people, I specified which ones worked for me and which ones have worked for others. Remember we are all different but the root cause may be the same in all of us. I suspect that this demodex mite articles are real based on my 2 year research and my own experience.

Wheat and sugar increase sebum production which feeds demodex, KP and dandruff get better when I cut this 2 off my diet, Gluten free and sugar free diets have worked for some people.

Tea tree and sea buckthorn have been show to kill demodex and I always get flare ups (die offs) when I start using this 2 products.

Sulfur kills demodex, MSM and Sulfur soaps are accepted treatments for KP and Acne.

Vit A and Zinc support healthy sebum levels, Cod liver oil(vitamin A rich) and Zinc are also accepted treatments.

Exfoliation removes excess sebum and is also an accepted treatment.

Natural Antiparasitic (Scram) + healthy diet seem to tremendously lessen my KP and erase Acne.

Ginger, Milkthisle and Turmeric are also known to reduce sebum production to a healthy level and are also accepted treatments for Dandruff, KP and Acne.

Selsum blue kills demodex and is also known to have treated some patients with KP.

Sun light kills demodex and Sun light is a very known and accepted KP and Acne treatment.

Sebum production slows down with Age, most people gets cured of Acne and KP with age.

ACV and Coconut oil are antifungals, antibacterial and antiparasitics which have also treated a lot of people.

People doing the Paleo/Primal diet, Candida diet and GAPS which all focus on eating healing foods that exclude all processed sugars and fake foods that interfere with our natural cellular and microbial balance have been able to heal themselves from skin disorders by doing this diets for several months.

And once again.. Castor oil has worked to treat some people's KP and guess what? Yes, it fucking kills demodex too.

So.. Are KP and all this other shit caused by Demodex, bad fungus and bad bacteria? Excuse my bad words but Im tired of Pharmaceuticals telling their pawn Dermatologists to tell us there is no cure for all this illnesses when most of us dont have any of this since birth and even people who has been suffering from this illnesses since birth has been able to find a way to heal themselves. Wake up guys, there is cures to all this diseases.

Now lets get to the universal treatment plan. I believe this is the best treatment plan available is a healthy diet that restores your gut flora and heals your insides in general like Paleo or GAPS plus an anti demodex soap like sea buckthorn or tea tree, and supportive necessary supplements like MSM and a Multivitamin, yes if you have never done any of this your symptoms may worsen for the first week or two but trust me you will feel better once you get through the detox stage and you will see results. Nothing is immediate, progress is a process and I believe this regime is a general regime for anyone with skin and intestinal issues. Results may take a month or longer but trust me I have done intense research day and night. People who has cleared their skin problems to a 95% has done this treatments for 1 year+, just dont give up guys keep pushing. Once you eat healthy for longer than a month youll realize all the other benefits you are also getting and your body will automatically ask you to return to the healthy life because thats the only way our bodies start functioning properly and oh boy! Trust me.. Once you treat your body right, watch your body do amazing things for you. Exercise it, stretch it, massage it, feed it right and most important of all love it, think positive and practice healthy sleeping habits! Healthy mind, heart and soul.

Peace and healing to everyone.
