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Finally Got Cleared Up


Posted : 09/23/2015 9:31 pm

Hello everyone. I just made this account because for what feels like forever I have been reading this site trying to clear my acne and I am finally having some success. Allow me to share my story.


I have had acne since the beginning of high school and it definitely sucks! I tried alot of stuff like salycic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and an exfoliate but that didn't do jack. Then I went on minocyclene and the acne got a little better but came back after about a month or two. After that I tried epiduo and found some success but still I had pimples.


After high school I went to college in miami and was still on the epiduo. Even with a moisturizer that had sunscreen my face was very sensitive to the sun. I finally decided to call it quits with the epiduo. Now my face feels great and the acne has dissapeared!


Stopping epiduo wasn't all it took though. I started taking vitamin A, Zinc, and omega 3 gummies along with eating healthier(salads with quinoa and stuff like that). I also picked up a burt's bees blemish stick which I love. I put it on any pimples before bed and bingo! No more zits. I also change my pillow case every couple days.


I just wanted to share with you guys what worked for me because I know acne is the most frustrating thing ever. Nothing can ruin your day more than waking up with a fat zit. I used to get them near the corners of my mouth and they hurt!!Believe me though you can beat the acne. Be strong and conquer it!
