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E-Cig Causing Acne?


Posted : 08/17/2015 4:18 pm


Hi everyone!! I have a question and was wondering if anyone has experienced this

I am a 42 year old female and I've struggled with acne all my life

I've tried Retin-A, ProActiv, Clearasil, The body shop's tea tree line, 100% tea tree oil....The list is endless

So I would say in the last month or so I've been getting this small bumps all on my hairline and cheekline. Now I've all of a sudden developed large red cysts that NEVER ever come to a head and take a million years to go away

I'm in tears...I broke down and saw my skin doctor who said that it's adult acne and hormones...

Ok- that's fine and I'll accept it BUT my husband brought up a good point. I've increased my "vaping" and he did some research and saw that some people have stated that vaping has brought on acne/pimples... some back acne on some people and for some the huge cystic pimples

My doctor prescribed my Spironolactone which has worked in the past for me and a topical called Tazorac which is really strong and burns my skin... I've been taking the pills and using the topical for almost 2 weeks and my skin is worse...Just today I've eased up on the e-cigarettes because I want to prove my husband wrong (lol) and I don't want to give up the vaping just yet but I have eased up just today so I know it's not realistic to get too excited yet

Basically I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this problem from e-cigarettes...

Also I used a drying mask from my favorite company in the world (Mario Badescu) that works total wonders




Posted : 08/18/2015 6:05 am

i think you answered your own question. who knows what's in those e-cig's. i guess if you must use them, you could try a different brand?


but ive had those types of acne lumps before (even near the eyes ), people have talked about them here. among other things i believe they are due to blocked pours. its best to never touch or squeeze them as they only get bigger and take longer to heal/go away.


you might want to consider trying vitamins as some people find they work really well. (from what ive read here, watch out for multivitamins though). there is lots of threads on the forums about them. here is a few-






Posted : 08/20/2015 2:29 pm


Thanks for responding Mr Bakery...

I checked out those links you posted...

The little bumps that have developed around my jawline and cheek area aren't even's just annoying when I wash my face and run my fingers over's tempting to pick but I don't...

call me foolish but I'm still not 100% convinced it's the e-cig causing the acne (my husband just shakes his head at me) I have cut down quite a bit this past week...hopefully this medication will kick in sooner rather than later
