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How To Calm The Swelling Of A Pimple?


Posted : 07/15/2015 12:23 am

Does anyone know a way that can help the swelling and redness of a pimple?

I normally use Witch Hazel but i ran out and earlier today i used a chamomile tea bag and it kind of worked but not much. i can't stand using ice because it's too cold and starts to hurt. So any suggestions?


Posted : 07/15/2015 12:51 am

I used to try ice and salted water and all that. It works for some but not for me. At the end of the day, I found most of my swelling went down fastest if I left it alone and or got some sleep. Even a small nap helped a lot of my pimples disappear. Sometimes they went away within a few hours without any sleep. That was usually if the swelling was caused by picking.


Just depends on the type of swelling I guess.
