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How I Beat Severe Acne!


Posted : 05/17/2015 1:01 pm

I have suffered with severe acne since I was 12/13. It would covered most of my face. My family bought me any and every over the counter medication including proactive, nothing worked. So I turned to makeup to hide the huge red bumps. When I was 20, i decided to see a dermatogist. Over the next few years it was just trying to see what medications worked for me. Some didn't, some did but was only temporary. It's all about tweaking your own personal regimen, because everyone's skin is different! Finally at the age of 24, I had clear skin. Now I'm 26 And I've only made my regimen better! I use a some kind of sulfur facial wash from my dermatologist when I wake up, that's all. At night I use my facial wash again then tretnion gel, after that drys my benzaclin on top of that. My new little secret weapons are from the body shop at the mall. Their tea tree line is amaZing!!! I have their fAce wash that I use in the shower and the tea tree oil is good for spot treatment under my makeup. I also drink lots of water, lemon water in the morning. And once a week I do an exfoilent mask, I don't do this to prevent acne I do this for the scarring I got when I was a teenager. All in all my skin is normal and happy! Don't lose hope. Continue to try different things. Find a dermatologist that actually cares. I went through 3 until I found the perfect one. Keep trying different things! You will find something!! I never thought i would see my skin this clear. I get maybe a few small bumps a month. :) keep your heads up! I would recommend trying the tea tree line at the body shop and also tretnion gel. The tretnion gel is what really saved my face:)
