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Adult Cystic Acne


Posted : 04/12/2015 10:33 am

Hi all,

My name is Danielle and I'm 25 years old. I never had problem skin until i turned 22 years old and my body started to change. Im not really sue what the cause of it was, maybe stress, maybe just changes but it sucked. My acne was big cystic pimples that would last for a really long time. They were only on my cheeks and nothing i did would make them go away. I would look at myself in the mirror and just cry because i felt like there was no way of curing this. I went to doctor after doctor and all they ever did was throw different prescriptions at me that didn't work. One gave me medication to take everyday by mouth and it would make me so sick and throw up. Others just gave me ointments but literally nothing helped. I even tried to go gluten free but that was just a waste .

After about 2/3 years of dealing with this i discovered an amazing product that i recommend to EVERYONE. Its a Thereaputic Sulfer Mask for acne by Peter thomas Roth. Ive tried every acne clearing ingredient and suffer is the only one that really helps. You can get it at saphora for about $40 Its a thick whitish color and you put it on your pimples. It literally instantly makes your face feel better. If your problem area is red and swollen the mask takes away all inflammation. It also speeds the healing of huge deep cysts. Everyones skin is different so it can be drying to some so only use it as much as your skin can handle. My skin doesn't get dried out easily so i leave the mask on all night while i sleep and i wash it off in morning. It flakes a little and has a sulfer smell but its worth it because its amazing. I once i had a giant cyst on my face and i was on my way to michigan so on my 13 hour drive i constantly re applied the mask to my zit and by the time we arrived i was able too pop it. so please try this mask ! i can't stress enough how much i love it.

So then i was referred too a dermatologist that is known for being good and she prescribed to be aczone. and aczone def helps. I apply aczone to my face when i wake up and before bed.

So after doing some research tho because my skin still wasnt as clear as i would like it to be .. i read that folic acid really helps but i was unsure so i tried taking hair skin and nail vitamins that have biotin, vitamins and folic acid. and my skin was the clearest it has ever been since this began. but as soon as i forgot to take it my skin would break out again. So this made me wonder ! well .. I asked my mom too go pick me up more vitamins and she came back with different ones that only had biotin and keratin in them and no folic acid and what do you know ..... i had some cysts in my face. So i got myself some daily folic acid supplements and now its safe to say that I'm happy with my skin. I still have a couple things here and there and a bunch of ugly scars but hey no cysts!


So everyday my regemin is .. Aczone . biotin keratin supplement. folic acid daily supplement.. and my mask whenever i feel like i need it. I HOPE THIS HELPS<3

peace love and clear skin


Posted : 05/16/2016 9:49 pm

Wow, thank you! You're story is very similar to mine. My acne on my cheeks have just gotten out of control and I don't know what to do anymore. I had it when I was younger, but started taking vitamin d and it went away immediately. Been taking vit d for years but now it started up again, so I felt at a lost. The acne is really bad on my right side (10-15 cysts at once) and moderate on my left (4 active pimples and healing scars). Have no idea why especially after ruling out simple hygiene matters. What was the hair/skin/nails-vitamin you used (i'm always scared of biotin and never drink enough water to offset break outs)? Also, my dermatologist also recommended aczone and I should be able to get it but have no idea what to expect with it (timeline, initial breakout, consistency, extent of results).
