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How To Deal With Whiteheads During Purging?


Posted : 03/03/2015 3:52 pm

Hello! i'm new to this site so i don't really know what i'm doing but i was hoping that someone out there could help me out a bit:

i have been using sea salt as a cleanser for three days, and i've noticed that a few whiteheads have popped up on my forehead and chin as a result. I believe my skin is "purging" (new term for me), and i'm wondering how i should deal with these whiteheads; should i extract/pop them or will they go away by themselves if i just continue with the sea salt?



Posted : 03/03/2015 5:27 pm

Wow. I did not understand. "Sea salt", like... hum... sel de mer? Why would you do that?

Let them go away by themselves, most of the time, when you pop them, it's worth, trust me haha! But do you something to apply on them, to dry out? It could help to eradicate these little rascals!


Posted : 03/03/2015 5:37 pm

Yes, sea salt, because it's said to be effective. Read the reviews on it :) I don't really understand what you're saying, you think i should let them go away by themselves but you also think it's worth it to pop them? I do not apply anything on them other than salt, which might dry them out if i give it some time? idk


Posted : 03/10/2015 8:00 am

I don't believe in "purging". If things are getting worse stop what you are doing.


Posted : 03/11/2015 1:22 pm

I don't believe in "purging". If things are getting worse stop what you are doing.

Yeap - have to agree with this one. The only topical treatments known to cause "purging" (which is really just a word for the term "It may get worse before it gets better") is topical / oral Retinoids, Salycilic Acid (rarely), AHA (rarely), and some other chemical exfoliants. BP can cause irritation which may make acne look worse but this doesn't count as "purging". If you are using anything topical that doesn't fall into the categories above and your skin is getting worse, it is likely because the product itself is not helping your acne and may even be aggravating it.
