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Cystic Pimple?


Posted : 02/16/2015 8:04 pm

Hi everybody!

This is my first time here ! I've had acne since Jr high.. a little over 15 years ago. A few months ago, now at 31... I believe I've developed my first cystic pimple (sebaceous ?)... It was right on my cheek! Very hard.. not usually painful, just.. there. I've recently been putting warm compresses on it and today it felt different, I lightly pressed the side of it and WHAM... sucked popped (twice actually). I drained it until there was nothing left (or so I think?).. After I put another warm compress on it. It still feels like a pimple... it's still slightly elevated off of my skin. Is it still in there?! Or is this normal? ....


Posted : 02/17/2015 6:34 am

as a longtime cystic acne sufferer, cystic acne is very deep, very deep.....warm compresses or ice may help reduce the swelling but it wouldn't cause it to pop

not sure what it was, a large inflammed pimple, but likely not cystic

so now that it's drained make sure it's clean and heals properly, a dab of neosporin


Posted : 02/18/2015 1:45 am

its normal

after a pimple is popped (dont rec. popping a pimple in the first place...but i am guilty of doing it myself) the spot will remain a bit elevated and red for a couple of hours, but it should flatten overnight--I would rec. to put some witch hazel on that so no bacteria gets into it and re-pimplelizes it. I would also (depending on how big the popping left your now pus free pimple...semi tiny opening= SA/Acne spot treatment thing, medium to big opening = neosporin and a bandaid .

now you dont have to follow these tidbits

but i wanted to share what has helped me decrease the swelling after popping a pimple
