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'picked' Skin Help


Posted : 11/03/2014 1:55 am

Hi there

I'm currently going through a course of Tetracycline and using Epiduo to clear up my acne, and so far it's working wonders.

However, I am a bit of a compulsive skin picker.

I've been doing really well lately and left my skin mostly alone, the only time I get the compulsion is when I'm agitated or anxious.

Anyway, I had lovely clear skin on Saturday morning, I went out Saturday afternoon feeling on top of the world. I unfortunately had an incident which induced quite a lot of anxiety and I've literally clawed a hole in my cheek around 1cm x 1cm where I had one small non-inflamed blackhead type thing.

It is a little sore, and mostly just 'tingles' all day, but if I yawn or laugh it 'pulls' due to it being along that crease from the nose to the mouth. It seems to be scabbing over, more like a wound than an acne scab.

I just wondered if anyone had any ideas what I can do to help heal it quickly and hopefully prevent scarring? I am absolutely devastated and can't look at myself in the mirror - my progress was literally unbelievable before this setback. I don't know if I should be still using the Epiduo on this area or not now?


Posted : 11/03/2014 3:53 am

There's a product called Neosporin that works well to speed up healing of small cuts and infections. It has a shiny appearance so you are sort of stuck having to use it when you are staying in.


Don't beat yourself up too badly about the picking happens. I did something similar today actually. Just get back on track again and remember the incident next time you have the urge....


Posted : 11/03/2014 7:12 am

If it's scabbing over, that's a good sign...if you leave the scab alone and let the wound heal, chances are it won't scar, unless you scar very easily. Just resist the urge to pick at the scab...I know easier said than done...but it's continually picking at the same spot that increases likelihood of scarring.

I can relate to the compulsion during periods of anxiety...definitely not alone on that one. I think many of us suffer from dermatillomania (obsessive skin picking) to some degree...hard not to when you have a skin disorder...but it's important to walk away from the mirror when you feel the mania starting to take over. At that point you're not thinking straight and can do damage to your skin. Keeping your nails very short can also help.

But don't beat yourself up...I know it's discouraging when you've worked so hard but setbacks happen to all of us...sometimes they can be helped and sometimes not...I've found this process is often 2 steps forward and one back...try to learn from this experience and not let it happen again.


Posted : 11/07/2014 5:43 am

Thank you both for the kind words and support! I applied a small amount of Epiduo to the wound in the end, very carefully to prevent the scab from bleeding, and also put a thin layer of Sudocrem on top in an attempt to keep any bacteria out. It must have worked, because by the end of the next day, the scab had dried up and fell off, and the skin underneath was healed and just a little pink, it was like some kind of miracle!

It's still a bit pink now, but coverable with a dab of concealer.

Thanks again :)
