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Advice Please


Posted : 10/13/2014 2:27 pm


I've had acne for two years and I'm so tired of it.

I used to have a really bad diet so I changed pretty much my entire lifestyle to try and get rid of my acne, but while it did make it better, it's not completely gone and I don't know what to do.

I change my bed sheets, towel and pyjamas once a week, my face cloth twice a week and my pillow every day. I have a kale, celery, cucumber, carrot and apple juice every morning and I drink lots of water with lemon juice in it and green tea too, I avoid most processed foods and I have absolutely no added sugar and my acne still won't go away. I exercise nearly every day too and I get about 9.5 hours of sleep a night and I honestly don't know what to do now.

I recently went on holiday and my skin cleared up pretty well, I only had a few small bumps and red marks from previous acne that won't go away. I don't know why it cleared up though, I was eating really badly (I was on holiday so I gave myself a break) and it was better than it was when I ate really good and I have no idea why. The only thing I can think of is that I was at the beach so maybe the sun and/or sea water helped it? Or the fact that I wasn't constantly stressing out about my skin like I usually am?

I also notice that a lot of the acne that's on my face is just scars and I don't know what to do to get rid of it. I've tried oils and lemon juice and none of it works and I don't have the money to get laser treatment or anything like that.

I really just want to feel good about myself and I can't even remember when the last time was that I felt pretty. I hate how my skin always makes me so upset and I know my friends don't really notice it but I do and I can't ever feel confident about myself. Please help me, I honestly don't know what to do for my skin anymore.


Posted : 10/13/2014 3:58 pm

Since it got better when you were on hoilday maybe you have hard water in your house. That can cause buildup on your skin. Something like a shower water filter would help that and maybe mixing up an apple cider vinegar toner too. Do you make sure you never touch your face? We tend to not pick at our skin as much when we go on vacation.


Posted : 10/14/2014 7:34 am

Hello, below is the set up I have been using for 3 months now. So happy to finally be on top of my spots. It is so worth the effort.

  • No dairy products
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Drink matcha green tea or regular green tea instead of coffee/energy drinks/black tea
  • Use purechimp super face combo 2
  • Use brown instead of white. For example brown rice instead of white rice.
  • Cut down on sugary foods
  • Exercise at least 3 times a week

I hope this helps you. After 3 months I found its easy to follow & its just all a good habit now.
