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Caveman Regimen Need Help


Posted : 09/21/2014 6:15 am

ok so ive had acne for about 2 years now and i didnt really care at all at first. in fact i dont even rememebr what my acne was like when i didnt care because i never looked in the mirror and when i did i didnt care about what i saw. this was in 8th grade and now im a sophomore in high school. anyways im starting the caveman regimen once again. i tried it before a couple weeks back but i only made it to 11 days and then i washed my face. anyways im going to try and go a fulll month this tame maybe even more. the only thing that stopped me from doing the caveman regimen was that people told me my face was getting worse but i thought it was getting better. my skin tone was like almost completely even and my forehead was like 95% clear. my chin was the only kind of broken out area and my cheecks broke out occasionally but hopefully that stops now. im going to go the full month regardless of what people say and what others think because in the end im doing this for me not other people. wish me luck ill keep you guys updated.

(note I went to the beach today and allowed saltwater to touch my face completely so this might affect the first few days of progress, not sure if for the better or worse we'll just have to see)


Posted : 09/21/2014 5:08 pm

so about the beach, yeah so the salt water= bad for my skin. i think a little is ok but i was in there for a couple of hours and it just dried my skin completely and i woke up with a broken out left cheek left temple, center forehead, and chin.


Posted : 09/22/2014 9:19 am

so ive decided that im not going to completely just stop washing my face yet. im going to slow down my face washing habits for a bit maybe over the course of this week ill only wash it every other day. then ill wash every 2 days next week and then ill wash once a week and then ill start the caveman regimen. just to make it easier for my skin to transition. ill update you guys in the meantime on how my skin is. so far im still pretty broken out because of the beach saltwater. some of you might think saltwater is good and i think it is good for acne but only a little bit. i was in the water constantly going back in and out for a good 5 jhours and my skin got really dry, and i could tell for sure because when my skin gets really dry the skin between my eyebrows starts to peel. anyways ill be bathing every other day for the next week and ill tell you guys how it goes. wish me luck


Posted : 09/25/2014 6:16 pm

so im just gonna shower every day liek a normal person i dont give a fuck i dont think this works very well for me since i sweat 2x as much a s a regular person since im in football and have practice every day. on a unrelated note. i found a pimple on my ballsack no joke. never posting on this site again and goign to pretend liek i dont have acne or anything at all


Posted : 09/28/2014 7:56 pm

Caveman regimen is terrible. It's a no-go for somebody with acne. If you don't wash your face, dead skin cells stay on your skin which is well, gross. Not only is it gross, it also affects your acne negatively. Wash your face twice a day max unless you're sweating, then wash lightly. And you weren't showering? Good hygiene will keep your acne balanced, it'll go away, don't do drastic things like the caveman regimen.


Posted : 10/20/2014 1:32 am

Caveman regimen is terrible. It's a no-go for somebody with acne. If you don't wash your face, dead skin cells stay on your skin which is well, gross. Not only is it gross, it also affects your acne negatively. Wash your face twice a day max unless you're sweating, then wash lightly. And you weren't showering? Good hygiene will keep your acne balanced, it'll go away, don't do drastic things like the caveman regimen.

I am currently facing a severe breakout. Might let me skin rest for a couple of days and not wash. What's your advice there?


Posted : 10/24/2014 3:01 pm


Caveman regimen is terrible. It's a no-go for somebody with acne. If you don't wash your face, dead skin cells stay on your skin which is well, gross. Not only is it gross, it also affects your acne negatively. Wash your face twice a day max unless you're sweating, then wash lightly. And you weren't showering? Good hygiene will keep your acne balanced, it'll go away, don't do drastic things like the caveman regimen.

I am currently facing a severe breakout. Might let me skin rest for a couple of days and not wash. What's your advice there?

I would say get a gentle cleanser to use once in the morning and once at night. Stop doing the caveman regimen, it's not a miracle cure. Start eating healthier, maybe stay away from soy and dairy? Make sure you're going to the bathroom daily (yeah, I mean poop), because not going daily affects your body negatively. Drink as much water everyday as you can. Good luck!


Posted : 11/05/2014 5:15 am

I would say the Cave man regimen is for someone who's acne is relatively mild and/or they're begining to out grow there acne. If your having continuous brake outs its possibly not the best regime to follow. Also what kind of products were you using on your face? Are they harsh? If so they could be irritating your face. Pretty sure the cave man regimen is centralised around the idea of the face/bodies Acid Mantle, which is basically your bodies natural way of eliminating acne and you can damage it/destroy it by continuously using products on your face. I'd look into it if I were you it helped me out a ton, all I have is a few little bumps on my forehead but I just might of outgrown my acne as I've had it for about 10 years. But yeh mostly acne is cured from the inside out, you've got to target the cause of it, it's not your face thats dirty its the processes going on in your body, either your diet or just possibly hormonal which is the hardest to deal with. Good luck either way!
