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Annoying Cysts, And Acne Remedies


Posted : 07/20/2014 2:56 am

Hi guys, so a cyst appeared in the bottom(ish) crease of my nose, and since I haven't had very many cysts, maybe 4 in my life (this being the fourth), I attempted to pop it. I know, I know, trying to pop cysts is the absolute worst thing that you can do, but I honestly couldn't resist.. So I messed with it so much that I took the skin off of the top of it, so it turned into a mixture of dry skin, a scab, and a whole lot of red, swollen, painful skin. I had a cyst on my chin about a week ago, so I don't know why they are coming up all of a sudden, but I absolutely hate them. Anyone have any help?


I also wanted to share how I basically cleared up the rest of my skin, with exception of the cyst on my nose. I've battled with acne breakouts for about a year, and when it began, 9/10 of everything was on my forehead, nose, and upper lip/chin. I've never really got it bad on my cheeks. I went to the doctor, not the dermatologist, and she prescribed me clindamycin phosphate and benzoyl peroxide gel, 1%*/5% that I would apply every night, after I washed my face with neutrogena naturals acne cream cleanser with salicylic acid 1%. This worked for existing acne, but they would always keep coming. Just recently, I started living at the beach, and there are 2 miracles that have helped me tremendously. 1. Salt water. 2. Exfoliation. I have fairly oily skin to begin with, so the salt water, and salt in the air in general, not only dried my skin out, but made it smooth. The salt has done wonders, and I am so glad of it. Before I got here, I had never exfoliated before, so I have been doing it about every other day, and it has also worked absolute wonders, every blemish I had on my nose is completely gone, and it makes my skin so smooth. I still wash with neutragena twice a day, and don't really use the prescription BP gel, because I don't really have a use for it anymore. This is my own skin routine, and it may or may not work for you, I just wanted to share my experience.


Acne has made me very self-conscious, I literally have 0 confidence because I feel like whenever someone looks at me, all they see is the breakouts. Everyone around me, at my school, and even my family all have perfect skin, and I feel kind of isolated. It seems like it is effecting everything in my life. Feel free to reply on anything I've said, because support is amazing, especially when it comes to insecurities.


Posted : 07/20/2014 7:11 pm

Thanks for the tips. I find warm water and a salt rinse always helps with the redness and bringing down the inflammation.

Also try ice cubes, or putting a cold pack on the acne.

Make sure your ash your face routinely and exfoliate once a week with a salicylic acid based exfoliant.

Make sure you don't pick it!! and prevent eating dairy foods. Seriously it helps!

Good luck.
