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Rubbing Alcohol Acne


Posted : 05/07/2014 1:25 am

Hello a couple of weeks ago I decided to use rubbing alcohol on my pimples and it seemed to help somewhat at the time and then it started to seem worse. I know it wasn't the greatest idea but I've heard it help others.

I've tried clearasil ultra rapid gel wash and clean and clear continuous control acne cleanser with no luck. My skin is oily and I try washing it as much as possible. Most of my skin is clear of acne except for both sides of the temple area,

Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks!


Posted : 05/07/2014 2:16 pm

that stuff is bad news for your skin. have you tried the regimen on this site? if not you should try it and then use some sort of AHA daily too. they sell it on this site as well.


Posted : 05/07/2014 10:52 pm

Don't overwash and overtreat, you'll make it worse.

Just wash a couple times a day. Use the clearasil if you like it, but a simpler wash would do.

Add some BP to your routine, and a little moisturizer if you need it. They sell these products here on this site, but you can also get them at any pharmacy like store. You have to experiment with the BP to see how much your skin can take without becoming irritated, but it is the best over the counter product available. Otherwise, you should seek the advice of a dermatologist.

Best of luck!
