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Sick Of This


Posted : 04/23/2014 9:39 am

So, I used to have perfectly clear skin about a year ago. Everything was fine until I started getting few pimples. I popped them, it was ok. I started taking minocycline, a month in my skin was so bad that I stopped taking them. I did 2 sessions of IPL and stopped because I Saw no improvement. I used everything, clindoxyl, benzoyl peroxide, and if ANYTHING, it has made my skin so FREAKING sensitive and when I used to pop a pimple it would leave in a week ( the scarring) , now, when I don't even pop one, it scars and it stays FUCKING FOREVER. IM SO FED UP. I WANNA CRY EVERY DAY. MY SKIN WAS NEVER LIKE THIS!!!! I don't care if I'm gonna spend 1000 $ or more, I WANT to have good skin. I'm sick of stacking piles of foundation on, concealer, just to look normal. I'm paranoid. And right now its like I only have 3 tiny tiny pimples on my face, its just the scars that make it look like i Have bad acne when I really don't!!!! I also started taking birth control , and you can't imagine what it has done to my face ( in a bad way ), so I stopped that too. So my rant is done, my question is, WHAT THE HELL can I do to remove the scars? Sorry they're not scars, they're the red marks that never leave. I don't have holes or anything, just red marks everywhere... I'm desperate, what can I do

I also forgot to mention I"ve seen countless numbers of dermatoligists who just prescribe me more and more clindoxyl like its a joke. Ive stopped using clindoxyl and all that chemical stuff....




Posted : 04/23/2014 6:17 pm

It started for me the same way as you. I always suffered from comedonal acne but whatever,it was barely visible,and it will leave by it's own (they actually do,but people doesn't give them the time to do it). The pimples i used to have were actually from picking and squeezing this comedones,something that i never learned to control.

Being sick of this comedones all around my face,i decided to take differin. From here my skin got absolutely destroyed. Differin didn't work for me. Made me broke out for the 6 weeks i used it with no improvement at all and made my skin amazingly oily. After that i decided to use benzoyl peroxide + erytromychin to reduce what differin caused. Again,bad move. It kinda worked since pimples lasted less than a day but ALL my old marks were reappearing (kinda like you) and all the pimples were leaving and AWFUL brown / dark mark,that would last a lot longer and look even worse than the acne. I also developed an allergic reaction to it,so i stopped using the bp and the topical antibiotic. Results : acne came back and worse 2 days after.

After all this bullshit that i provoked because of my closed comedones obsession,i decided to stop applying these crappy chemicals and otc products on my face.

So actually im fighting with the acne that all the treatments caused (and my closed comedones are still there,no changes at all),and also the marks (that i didn't used to have after all this shit i tried). Im washing my face with a sulfur soap two times per day and nothing else. It is slowly improving.

In my case i have acne in my genetics. My father and brother had it till their 18/19. And they had it a lot worse than i do. I think that people with a case like me,should do anything. You already know that it WILL LEAVE by it's own so why applying shit that probably will harm your skin forever and in the future?. Some people doesn't understand this.

My advise is to try to keep yourself away of harming products that are claimed like life-savers. Wash yourself with something mild and try to not think to much about your pimples. Today i noticed a girl older than me that was beautiful,and he had acne all over his face and were talking and being sociable like nothing happened,not being shy or depressed.

Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease.


Posted : 04/23/2014 8:50 pm

It started for me the same way as you. I always suffered from comedonal acne but whatever,it was barely visible,and it will leave by it's own (they actually do,but people doesn't give them the time to do it). The pimples i used to have were actually from picking and squeezing this comedones,something that i never learned to control.

Being sick of this comedones all around my face,i decided to take differin. From here my skin got absolutely destroyed. Differin didn't work for me. Made me broke out for the 6 weeks i used it with no improvement at all and made my skin amazingly oily. After that i decided to use benzoyl peroxide + erytromychin to reduce what differin caused. Again,bad move. It kinda worked since pimples lasted less than a day but ALL my old marks were reappearing (kinda like you) and all the pimples were leaving and AWFUL brown / dark mark,that would last a lot longer and look even worse than the acne. I also developed an allergic reaction to it,so i stopped using the bp and the topical antibiotic. Results : acne came back and worse 2 days after.

After all this bullshit that i provoked because of my closed comedones obsession,i decided to stop applying these crappy chemicals and otc products on my face.

So actually im fighting with the acne that all the treatments caused (and my closed comedones are still there,no changes at all),and also the marks (that i didn't used to have after all this shit i tried). Im washing my face with a sulfur soap two times per day and nothing else. It is slowly improving.

In my case i have acne in my genetics. My father and brother had it till their 18/19. And they had it a lot worse than i do. I think that people with a case like me,should do anything. You already know that it WILL LEAVE by it's own so why applying shit that probably will harm your skin forever and in the future?. Some people doesn't understand this.

My advise is to try to keep yourself away of harming products that are claimed like life-savers. Wash yourself with something mild and try to not think to much about your pimples. Today i noticed a girl older than me that was beautiful,and he had acne all over his face and were talking and being sociable like nothing happened,not being shy or depressed.

Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease.

I totally agree with you!! There is no use fixing your skin with a short term problem.. You have to give your skin the natural ingredients it is obviously missing.

Easier said than done, but can totally be done.

One controversial method I have tried to lighten red marks on my cheeks was baking soda.

Make a paste of baking soda and water, put it on the affected areas like a mask for 10-15 mins, wash off with cold water.

You should wake up with brighter skin, and reduced marks.

However you have to be careful, and only do it like once or twice a week. You dont want to do any harm!

Google some before and after results.

Also I posted a blog on how I got my skin completely clear. Have a read maybe it will work for you too 🙂 xx


Posted : 04/24/2014 9:31 am

I totally agree with you!! There is no use fixing your skin with a short term problem.. You have to give your skin the natural ingredients it is obviously missing.

Exactly !. Do you prefer to have acne 3-5 years or harm your skin forever ?

Think it before applying benzoyl peroxide,taking acuttane,following any chemical treatment. Is my acne that severe?,it is making scars ? did any of my family members had it ? are they absolutely clean now ? for how much time did they suffer it ?. You will HAVE to go trough the same. My dad skin was BEYOND awful,severe cystic acne,and he did NOTHING,and i say nothing to cure it. (think about 40 years ago). Now,at his 60,his skin is flawless. Never ever again experienced a pimple. He looks like 20 years less,it doesn't have even wrinkles,marks,scars,anything. He grow up of it at his 18/19. Also,my brother. Had pretty bad skin,no like my dad but his acne was almost severe. He did used some OTC products,astrigent and shit. But he never tried to follow an treatment. Now he's 20. Again,flawless skin. And then,there's me. The dumb one whose obsession made him to follow a treatment. Just 2 month later he worsened his mild acne face by applying crap to my face. Lesson learned.

After answering all these questions,THEN, start thinking in following an treatment.


Posted : 04/24/2014 12:46 pm

My face is exactly like yours, but a bit darker. I know what you mean. I got to the point that it is more important to invest to one or more products for fading, than caring about the pimple. The pimple pops and falls down in a couple of days, but the red mark is staying there for ever. So, here is what i use and are highly effective. I really notice major improvement every new morning.


A snail secretion cream is highly healing. Use one as a moisturizer.

Turmeric and licorice masks. Use the powder and mix it with yoghurt. Leave each mask over an hour if possible.

Fade out cream for night and/or day. Its an effective cream

Baking soda and lemon scrub. Just a few drops in a spoon of soda.


Try to do each one every single day. I know it is much, but i have noticed major improvement in just three days of usage. Stick to it for at least a month. Take a before pic to check out the difference after evey week. Good luck!!
