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Is This Considered Mild Acne? Or...?


Posted : 04/19/2014 10:41 pm

Hey everybody, my name's Abeni, 19 from Florida and I'm new to this site.

I've had acne since I was probably 11 years old in 6th grade. Back then it wasn't so terrible just some bumps here and there. Fast forward to today and I have scars on scars to remind me of this tragic mess plus some bumps too, including cysts (UGH) on my nose every once in a looong while. The cysts I've been getting since senior year two years ago and I even got one around prom night!! I had no choice but to go anyway, luckily nobody gave a crap.

So to the main question! How would you lot classify my acne; as mild or moderate? I know it's not severe. But here are some pics with pores galore and icepick temple scars :)) and p.s. sorry for the slight upper lip hair and for the fact that these photos aren't the best. My phone sucks and so does the lamp's




















Posted : 04/20/2014 12:43 pm

mmmh..i think that's moderate, really close to severe,since it have spread even to your neck and there are already scars.


Posted : 04/20/2014 3:55 pm

Yeah I think it's moderate but yeah it's not severe.


Posted : 04/20/2014 4:01 pm

thats severe in my mind, go on accutane ASAP! Will save you a ton of time! Trust me, those are cystic acne, most of them....only way is to deal with it internally.


Posted : 04/20/2014 6:57 pm

thats severe in my mind, go on accutane ASAP! Will save you a ton of time! Trust me, those are cystic acne, most of them....only way is to deal with it internally.

Accutane isn't just some drug you jump into. I'm not saying that she shouldn't consider it, but she should also read up on the risks carefully and completely understand them before taking it. I say this as somebody who had a very bad experience with the drug.


Posted : 04/20/2014 10:26 pm

thats severe in my mind, go on accutane ASAP! Will save you a ton of time! Trust me, those are cystic acne, most of them....only way is to deal with it internally.

Accutane isn't just some drug you jump into. I'm not saying that she shouldn't consider it, but she should also read up on the risks carefully and completely understand them before taking it. I say this as somebody who had a very bad experience with the drug.

Just curious what your longterm side effects were?


Posted : 04/21/2014 3:36 am

thats severe in my mind, go on accutane ASAP! Will save you a ton of time! Trust me, those are cystic acne, most of them....only way is to deal with it internally.

Accutane isn't just some drug you jump into. I'm not saying that she shouldn't consider it, but she should also read up on the risks carefully and completely understand them before taking it. I say this as somebody who had a very bad experience with the drug.

Just curious what your longterm side effects were?

Reduced libido, scarring, eating food has become chore rather than a pleasure and i'm pretty sure my liver has been damaged from the drug. They're just the physcial effects that i notice in the years just after taking it. I had severe depression while using it and that permanently affected my mental state and outlook on life even to this day. A bit of acne is trivial compared to what this drug did to me.


Posted : 04/21/2014 3:43 am

thats severe in my mind, go on accutane ASAP! Will save you a ton of time! Trust me, those are cystic acne, most of them....only way is to deal with it internally.

Accutane isn't just some drug you jump into. I'm not saying that she shouldn't consider it, but she should also read up on the risks carefully and completely understand them before taking it. I say this as somebody who had a very bad experience with the drug.

Just curious what your longterm side effects were?

Reduced libido, scarring, eating food has become chore rather than a pleasure and i'm pretty sure my liver has been damaged from the drug. They're just the physcial effects that i notice in the years just after taking it. I had severe depression while using it and that permanently affected my mental state and outlook on life even to this day. A bit of acne is trivial compared to what this drug did to me.

Reduced libido and eating problems could both be connected with depression, have you seen someone about this? And acne itself leaves scars not accutane. As for your liver arent you regularly mointored during accutane. And you say acne is trivial, some people have it extremely bad and the acne itself ruins there lives and can be extremely painful,


Posted : 04/21/2014 4:56 am

On 4/21/2014 at 3:13 PM, deasiajohnathan said:

I think it's not severe. Try to book an appointment to see a dermatologist, he will provide you some instruction to follow. I woud suggest also Proactiv [removed]

procative is a waste of time, proactive would probably only help you if you had 1 regualr small pimple, however id class yours as moderate and can see youve seem to have had acne for a while, its not magically going to go away on its own without good treatment, i highly recommend accutane, people seem to always hate on the side effects but look up accutane on youtube its not so scarey.


Posted : 04/21/2014 11:55 am

thats severe in my mind, go on accutane ASAP! Will save you a ton of time! Trust me, those are cystic acne, most of them....only way is to deal with it internally.

Accutane isn't just some drug you jump into. I'm not saying that she shouldn't consider it, but she should also read up on the risks carefully and completely understand them before taking it. I say this as somebody who had a very bad experience with the drug.

Just curious what your longterm side effects were?

Reduced libido, scarring, eating food has become chore rather than a pleasure and i'm pretty sure my liver has been damaged from the drug. They're just the physcial effects that i notice in the years just after taking it. I had severe depression while using it and that permanently affected my mental state and outlook on life even to this day. A bit of acne is trivial compared to what this drug did to me.

Reduced libido and eating problems could both be connected with depression, have you seen someone about this? And acne itself leaves scars not accutane. As for your liver arent you regularly mointored during accutane. And you say acne is trivial, some people have it extremely bad and the acne itself ruins there lives and can be extremely painful,

Fist off, of course he needs to do his research and there is no exact study that accutane causes depression. If you are pre-dispostioned for depression accutane can amp it up. Saying he will get depression is not your place to say that. I'm on it now and i have no side effects except the usual dry skin and lips. Research but thats the only way of fixing it long-term.


Posted : 04/21/2014 3:36 pm

Reduced libido, scarring, eating food has become chore rather than a pleasure and i'm pretty sure my liver has been damaged from the drug. They're just the physcial effects that i notice in the years just after taking it. I had severe depression while using it and that permanently affected my mental state and outlook on life even to this day. A bit of acne is trivial compared to what this drug did to me.

Reduced libido and eating problems could both be connected with depression, have you seen someone about this? And acne itself leaves scars not accutane. As for your liver arent you regularly mointored during accutane. And you say acne is trivial, some people have it extremely bad and the acne itself ruins there lives and can be extremely painful,

I didn't say acne is trivial. I had severe acne before so i know very well what it's like. I said that it was trivial compared to the side effects i experienced from the drug. You are monitored while you're on it sure, but what they can test for is limited. I never scarred from acne before accutane, the acne i got while i was on it did scar. It can make you more susceptible to scarring as it did in my case.

Reduced libido, scarring, eating food has become chore rather than a pleasure and i'm pretty sure my liver has been damaged from the drug. They're just the physcial effects that i notice in the years just after taking it. I had severe depression while using it and that permanently affected my mental state and outlook on life even to this day. A bit of acne is trivial compared to what this drug did to me.

Reduced libido and eating problems could both be connected with depression, have you seen someone about this? And acne itself leaves scars not accutane. As for your liver arent you regularly mointored during accutane. And you say acne is trivial, some people have it extremely bad and the acne itself ruins there lives and can be extremely painful,

Fist off, of course he needs to do his research and there is no exact study that accutane causes depression. If you are pre-dispostioned for depression accutane can amp it up. Saying he will get depression is not your place to say that. I'm on it now and i have no side effects except the usual dry skin and lips. Research but thats the only way of fixing it long-term.

This reply makes no sense in the context of the quoted post. By the way, the bad side effects of the drug were not apparent to me while i was on it, otherwise i wouldn't have stayed on it for nearly a year. I only learned of my mistake afterwards.


Posted : 04/22/2014 2:19 pm

thats severe in my mind, go on accutane ASAP! Will save you a ton of time! Trust me, those are cystic acne, most of them....only way is to deal with it internally.

That's not true for everyone. At the moment, I have completely cured my cystic acne with the Regimen.
