Wits End


Posted : 04/04/2014 7:55 am

I need some help.


So I had been clear for a long time(over a year) on the following regimen:


Am: cetaphil normal-oily skin cleanser


Cetaphil moisturizer



Pm: cetaphil cleanser again

Retin a micro .04

Cetaphil moisturizer

Ortho tri cyclen


Then, I started getting occasional cysts on my chin, so I went to ortho cyclen. This cleared me up completely for two months. I stopped taking oracea, and my skin went downhill quickly. I started getting lots of little pimples all over my face in places I never broke out before.


Now, I am back on ortho tri cyclen(a week into it) still using cetaphil products, and same topicals, but a stronger antibiotic. I am breaking out very badly! My face is also very dry flaky, and oily at the same time. Two days ago I tried to use cerave cleanser and moisturIzer, and I woke up today with huge spots and clogged pores everywhere. I'm back on cetaphil now, but please help!!


Posted : 04/04/2014 12:19 pm

Your face is adjusting to the ortho tri cyclen and the new topicals. Try to only swap out 1-2 things at a time when switching up your regimen.

Short term you can ice your face and take some advil before school/work. Remember the ice makes your face red for like 30mins so might not want to do it on your way out the door.
