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Acne Does Not Last Forever


Posted : 02/20/2014 3:24 pm

Acne is something no one wants. It could completely ruin your self-esteem. I know this because I have experienced it myself and I know how depressing it could be. I wish no one to have it but sometimes these things happen and you just have to live with it, because life is unfortunately unfair. But whoever is having acne at the moment, like me, have hope because soon it will end. I had no acne in primary school, just those little blackheads that you have on your nose; and thats all. I didnt really think about acne at the time and never seemed to mind anyone having it- of that i can remember. But, in when i started secondary school, i started to get these little spots that seemed to become bigger and kept coming back even though i popped them(with my bare fingers). Although, i still didnt bother with them that much because no one in school actually mentioned my spots at that time. So, i still popped and not knowing that your not supposed to touch your face with dirty hands- touched my face many times. It was in the middle of year 7, where i started to get cysts and all sorts, it was soo bad that it seemed like i had a beard but with pimples. I remember people at school used to call me dot to dot or spotty face. And some kids in class would have their own conversations and talk about my spots. I felt really embarrassed and i would usaully cover my face with my hands and tilt my head so that at least other people wouldnt see half of my face. All this continued for a few more months and i guess i was bullied because everyday at least one person would mention my spots. The most uncomfortable thing was that i never liked going outside at lunch because its very light and you could see all the redness on my face. So, i prefered the darkness cos it wasnt so obvious. But i can remember how id used to come home and go to the mirror and cry my eyes out because i felt so ugly, i actually wanted to kill myself because i couldnt cope anymore. But it was weird cos there were still postive thoughts that told me that it will soon end, and it will get better. That soon youll leave school and no one will never say anything about your spots. That u still have a life ahead of you and that there people who are worse off than you. And i guess these thoughts were probarbly from God cos soon after i just let go and moved on and went to the dermatologist to give me medication and it actually kind of helped. God was right, it was better later. I went to spain and you know how hot it is and stuff. It dried off my spots and it was weird because i had no spots on my face. It was like i gained some confidence and wasnt afraid to do things anymore. But i still have some spots and sometimes it worse and other times are better. Although, i feel more confident and i feel like im not alone with this. And i feel so grateful because there are people who really do have worse thing than acne. And I think everyones beautiful just the way they are and I know things like these can make you feel ugly. But have faith in God, he knows what hes doing; everything happens for a reason. Life can be hard but you must trust God, he only wants the best for all of us and he knows what your going through. The best thing is he loves you deeply and wants you to be happy, it doesnt matter what others think of you because even though, people might say these horrible things; God thinks your beautiful and dont let anyone let you feel like your ugly because everyone derserves to be happy. Just remember there are many people with acne and there many who are going through the same thing. Probarbly for some'as soon as they finish puberty, they wont have acne anymore. For some, like those people who have perfect blemish free skin, will get acne in their adulthood. We are all different, and some people might get things before everyone else. But the important thing is that it will soon end and that everything will soon be okay. I wish all the best for everyone and may God bless you.


Posted : 02/21/2014 12:15 am

Amen brutha! God bless you too :)
