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Month 4 On Accutane.. Still Breaking Out Bad


Posted : 12/25/2013 4:35 pm

Hey guys Im new to this acne thing so bear with me. Just a quick backrgound, I am 17 years old and had acne ever sine the 7-8th grade. It got really bad at the end of my junior year in highschool and kept on getting worse and worse. I decided to try accutane finally. The first 3 months were a living hell for me. nothing seemed to improve on my face because by the time a breakout went away another would show up right afterwards! So anyway I started to get really depressed not because the medicine was making me depressed but because of my terrible acne and I started to loose hope. now it is month 4 and my acne has improved very little since month 3 and I am still breaking out!!!!! i have huge cistic patches along my jaw line that just have stuck around for a solid month no joke. They just dont go away! am I doing something wrong? I wash my face twice a day and put moisturizer on daily and I drinks LOADS of water and I eat relatively healthy. Can someone help? please

oh and btw I am 17 male and about 140lbs. I am on 60 mg a day, 30 day and night.


Posted : 12/25/2013 7:01 pm

Just ride it out man itll start getting better soon.


Posted : 12/25/2013 8:39 pm

Does your healthy diet include Milk and Gluten/Soy (depending on your race)? They are the most common triggers.


As for Accutane, to me anyway, it doesn't sound like it's working for you. I had severe acne and it worked quite well. Of course I had 3 rounds because it kept coming back. Not until I found the cause of it did I finally stop it from returning.


Posted : 12/27/2013 7:11 pm

I think i just need to up my dosage to 40 mg twice a day maybe?


Posted : 02/05/2014 11:21 am

Firstly, your not alone. I'm exactly 3.5 months in and taking 50mg a day and I weight 150lbs. I've had the same experience with break outs, except with cysts all over my cheeks. I posted something that was very similar to your post a couple of weeks ago. I was told by quite a few people that many (possibly a majority) only start to see any positive changes in their 3rd or 4th month. I think this forum gets a load of posts like ours.

The main thing is to stay calm and keep doing what you are doing. Easier said than done I know.

I'm also the same with the depression, do you by any chance have a couple of hours where you feel like this? Then feel much better afterwards? I get the feeling it's a mixture of both the pills and the BO cycle doing it.

I wouldn't recommend increasing your dose. You are already at a fairly high dose (nearly 1 mg/kg a day) and an increase in dose can cause breakouts.


Posted : 02/06/2014 3:24 pm

Hey i just recently got off accutane on a 4 month course i noticed while on i started getting im guessing cysts like acne that i never in my life got before starting accutane. I would get 1 like once month i would also get 1 or 2 zits max a week on it which is way better than before starting accutane this continued pretty much until the last 2 weeks of the course and that was when i started actually using lotion religiously now that im off i havent gotten one zit for almost 2-3weeks since ending it i still use moisturizer everyday and retin a sparingly


Posted : 05/29/2014 10:39 am

HI. I am wondering how either of you (gfalz555 or Late Actor) are doing now with the acne? Did it get any better? I am so worried about my son who is 14. He is now completing his 3rd month and his face and back are still a mess. Tons of cysts under his checks, jaw and always still breaking out. It is horrible and I would love to hear that this medicine is going to work. He is starting high school end of August, i was really hoping he would be getting better by then. Did you guys have any positive results and when did you see it start working if you did?
