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It Turns Out Weather Was A Huge Part Of My Acne


Posted : 12/01/2013 12:04 am

I don't believe this. I spent the last 7 months devoting my full energy to doing everything I could to solve my minor, but very persistent, acne problem. A very strict diet (no milk products / high-glycemic load foods). I cycled through all the retinoids (tretinion, tazarotene). Nothing worked out. I was going CRAZY. I decided finally that it was time to go on Accutane.

The past several weeks I've noticed that I haven't been getting any acne. I'm completely clear. My derm appointment is in two days, and I have to convince him to give me Accutane, so I've gone off my medication and have been drinking milk by the boatload. But so far, no luck - I'm still completely clear. It seems to be the dryness of winter which has cleared me. If this was the summer, I'd have about a dozen cysts by now based on the amount of milk I've drunk. I've always suspected there was some sort of correlation between my acne and the weather, but now I've confirmed it. Another piece of the puzzle has been discovered.

I still have to go on Accutane, though. All of my acne problems will just return when winter is over. I just hope I can give myself a few juicy pimples before my derm appointment this Monday. But I find this situation ironic. For the past half-year I've wanted nothing more then to be clear. Now I'm clear... and I'm trying to give myself acne.


Posted : 12/01/2013 12:51 am

accutane helped me- or you can move to alaska or the arctic tundra... but that isnt feasible. Good luck!


Posted : 12/01/2013 3:43 am

All your milk drinking will kick-in....the day after your derm appt!


So if dryness is the key for you, maybe you could use a drying type of cleanser and voila....acne problem solved?


Posted : 12/01/2013 4:58 am

Haha, I don't think it's that simple. Besides, all the medications I use are quite drying.

Anyways, this isn't working. I've drank a liter of milk, and eaten ice cream and cheese pizza and all I've gotten is one tiny pimple. This is honestly ridiculous.

Time for plan B: use TCA to dot my face to create red spots. I'll present them as erythema left over from the acne. My face will be completely flat, but at least it won't be clear. Anyone got any better ideas?


Posted : 12/01/2013 6:35 am

Yes. Just explain it to your derm. And give your skin the chance to show if you might have grown out of it ., as you are still young and chances are good that this is the case.

Get a pack of Iso and store it at home. And if you start breaking out again in summer, start your accutane .


Posted : 12/01/2013 7:39 am

I wouldn't be so quick to take accutane unless you really need it....this is not like an asprin a day medication where you just won't notice

it could cause an initial breakout, etc....

so wait it out, enjoy the winter clearing so to speak and see what happens in the spring/ can explain all of this to your doctor, get cleared and as the poster suggested get the first month filled, but wait to make sure you really need it


Posted : 12/01/2013 8:30 am

lol i dont think weather plays a big role
