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Accutane And Bone Growth


Posted : 11/10/2013 6:06 pm

Hey im 17 now and ive had acne since seventh grade. This year it took a turn for the worst and my annoying pimples here and there on my face developed into deep, painful cystic acne. I have tried several anti-biotics like doxycycline and creams such as benzoyl peroxide with no avail so my option then was accutane.

I struggled to get myself to take it, like many people, because of the insane symptoms and warnings. Eventually i got myself to start 20mg/day, roughly a month or more ago and now again im beginning to regret it.

So far most of the painful cystic acne has gone, but still there is a lot of hyperpigmentation and less severe acne scattered on my face.


It might just all be in my head but i feel as if im losing memory and forgetting things more easily. A quick google search and many people have felt the same way. I really dont want this to be permanent. Further, ive read that accutane can cause the ends of bones to close, preventing growth. Im 6ft but i still feel like i could grow some more.

If ive only been taking it for a month has it already done its damage?

If not, i was wondering if i stopped accutane now would my cystic acne stay away? and what are any other possible treatments??



Posted : 11/10/2013 9:26 pm

! i posted something similar to this last week! I was half way through month seven- and just stopped because... i cant really explain it... i felt like myself... but i at the same time i felt like i was just a robot all day. Idk i felt always worked up, tired, but at the same time i felt i could stay awake for a week straight, i couldnt focus on anything, and i kept forgetting things. So early last week i just said im done. Its been more than like a week (idk how many days) I want to say i feel better, maybe its just my head playing with me.

I dont want to tell you to continue or stop the medicine. ITs really not my place, or expertise to do so. Even though i stopped the meds prematurely- im happy i stayed on them because im completely clear. I felt like shit on the meds- but i feel great socially, and i dont even wear makeup now.

Call up your derm- just have a little chat (i know that sounds weird) but you are paying them.

Also- if you do stick with it- it gets better. :)


Posted : 11/11/2013 4:33 pm

I took this medicine for a month. It cleared me acne. I went from 5 cysts at a time to 1 zit. This has lasted over a yr. my acne is returning but less severe(not cystic) and my skin is now dry. I stopped taking the medicine because of developed migraines and that feeling of being out of it or not in my own body. Because the accutane dried out my eyes (eye styes) and my skin which has lasted up until now I wouldn't take it again. I recently discovered that my birth control was actually to blame for migraines. Reading over others experienced and long term effects I don't think I will ever do it again .
