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No More Picking


Posted : 10/27/2013 8:51 pm

There was another thread on here recently about picking, but I'd like to start my own to keep me motivated. Picking is a serious issue for me. I normally only have blackheads and small whiteheads, but when I pick at them they sometimes turn into cysts. My skin is starting to scar now (no one else but me can notice though), and I feel like that is enough motivation to stop picking for good. I recently went 3 weeks without picking, but today I slipped up and picked my entire face. So tomorrow is day one no more picking. Wish me luck.


Posted : 10/29/2013 6:17 pm

Well I have not picked since my major picking episode 2 days ago, and my skin is starting to heal. I'm nervous that a few of the marks I picked will leave scars, but I think that's probably just me worrying rather than reality.


Posted : 10/30/2013 1:02 am

Today is my first day without picking too! I was tempted a couple of times but I stopped, thought about it, and just walked away from the mirror. I'm determined to stop picking completely. Good luck on this! It will take a lot of patience.


Posted : 10/30/2013 6:46 pm

Today is my first day without picking too! I was tempted a couple of times but I stopped, thought about it, and just walked away from the mirror. I'm determined to stop picking completely. Good luck on this! It will take a lot of patience.

Awesome! I am using the tips here

They're really helpful!


Posted : 11/01/2013 12:22 am

can whiteheads/blackheads come out with the right acne products? retin-a mircro?


Posted : 11/01/2013 2:08 pm

can whiteheads/blackheads come out with the right acne products? retin-a mircro?

I have not tried any retinoids in a long times because they always seemed to make my skin worse. When I use them for an extended period of time my pores get huge and my skin get so oily and uncomfortable.

Skin picking update: I still have not picked at my skin. Almost all of the marks from my last picking episode have faded. I did get a super tiny ice pick scar that just looks like an enlarged pore from one of the huge pimples I picked at. Even more motivation to not pick again.


Posted : 11/01/2013 2:29 pm

can whiteheads/blackheads come out with the right acne products? retin-a mircro?

I have not tried any retinoids in a long times because they always seemed to make my skin worse. When I use them for an extended period of time my pores get huge and my skin get so oily and uncomfortable.

Skin picking update: I still have not picked at my skin. Almost all of the marks from my last picking episode have faded. I did get a super tiny ice pick scar that just looks like an enlarged pore from one of the huge pimples I picked at. Even more motivation to not pick again.

Whats your regmin? do u have oily skin?


Posted : 11/01/2013 3:27 pm

can whiteheads/blackheads come out with the right acne products? retin-a mircro?

I have not tried any retinoids in a long times because they always seemed to make my skin worse. When I use them for an extended period of time my pores get huge and my skin get so oily and uncomfortable.

Skin picking update: I still have not picked at my skin. Almost all of the marks from my last picking episode have faded. I did get a super tiny ice pick scar that just looks like an enlarged pore from one of the huge pimples I picked at. Even more motivation to not pick again.

Whats your regmin? do u have oily skin?

I wash with purpose 2x a day and apply avar-e sulfur cream at night. I also take vitamin c and watch my diet very closely. My skin used to be very oily before changing my diet, but now it is just slightly oily.


Posted : 11/01/2013 5:46 pm

can whiteheads/blackheads come out with the right acne products? retin-a mircro?

I have not tried any retinoids in a long times because they always seemed to make my skin worse. When I use them for an extended period of time my pores get huge and my skin get so oily and uncomfortable.

Skin picking update: I still have not picked at my skin. Almost all of the marks from my last picking episode have faded. I did get a super tiny ice pick scar that just looks like an enlarged pore from one of the huge pimples I picked at. Even more motivation to not pick again.

Whats your regmin? do u have oily skin?

I wash with purpose 2x a day and apply avar-e sulfur cream at night. I also take vitamin c and watch my diet very closely. My skin used to be very oily before changing my diet, but now it is just slightly oily.

What diet changes? i have very oily skin and get lots of whiteheads/blackheads because of this (especially on my nose). my icepick scars are bad


Posted : 11/02/2013 12:01 am

What diet changes? i have very oily skin and get lots of whiteheads/blackheads because of this (especially on my nose). my icepick scars are bad

I try to eat a low fat and relatively low glycemic load diet. The food I eat mainly consists of oatmeal, fruit, vegetables, chicken, fish, and occasionally rice. I also drink a green smoothie every day and take vitamin C. By doing this I went from being oily 1 hour after washing my face to being only slightly oily 8 hours after washing my face. I also don't really get inflamed acne anymore unless I pick at a blackhead. I do still get blackheads and have sebaceous filaments so it's still a work in progress. I think I need to try eating less fruit throughout the day because I snack on it a lot. Sometimes I will eat 2 bananas, an apple, strawberries, grapes, pineapple and prunes all in one day!


Posted : 11/02/2013 11:16 am

I tried to join you on your 'no more picking' crusade but tonight I failed. I had to extract 4 pimples as they had hardened but because I had a busy, tiring day I continued to pick at pimples as a release feom the day's tensions. I shouldn't and now my face is all red- my bad! Tomorrow is a new day though! A lesson I've learned from this slip up is I need to look in the mirror and decide which need to be extracted and then after that just stop and walk away no matter what. I hope you're having some success! :)


Posted : 11/02/2013 11:29 am

I tried to join you on your 'no more picking' crusade but tonight I failed. I had to extract 4 pimples as they had hardened but because I had a busy, tiring day I continued to pick at pimples as a release feom the day's tensions. I shouldn't and now my face is all red- my bad! Tomorrow is a new day though! A lesson I've learned from this slip up is I need to look in the mirror and decide which need to be extracted and then after that just stop and walk away no matter what. I hope you're having some success! smile.png

Sigh. Me too. On a cyst. This was more of a frustration extraction attempt. 'Attempt' is the operative term. Double-sigh. :(


Posted : 11/02/2013 6:50 pm

Hi guys! I am having success so far. I still haven't picked :)

I got these little things called nexcare acne patches and they are really helping me. I had a whitehead pop up from my last picking session and I didn't want to pick at it so I put the patch on and the next morning it was flat and dry!

I am also really trying to clench my fists when I feel like picking. For some reason I feel like that helps.


Posted : 11/05/2013 1:49 pm

So I messed up and picked today. I only picked a few sebaceous filaments on my nose, and normally this wouldn't be a big deal for me, but I am trying to stop picking everything for good this time around. My sebaceous filaments are a weak spot for me, though. They look like sprinkled pepper on my nose, and I pick at them because I feel like they're dirty. I'm trying to get rid of them. Right now I'm using lactic acid on them, but they are barely budging. Anyone have any advice for dealing with them?


Posted : 11/09/2013 7:52 pm

I had a full face picking session yesterday :( I have been feeling really upset about what I did, but I know I just have to move on and try my hardest to not pick again in the future. I just really do not want to scar. The few scars I do have are driving me nuts. I can't believe I picked to the point that I got small scars, and I really hope I'll be able to get rid of them eventually. I think now I'm going to experiment with oil cleansing and salicylic/lactic acids to clean out my pores. When my pores are clogged I feel like I need to pick at them to make them clean.


Posted : 11/16/2013 8:21 pm

Ok so since I failed on the 9th my skin has been taking a while to recover. I was getting lots of white heads from the clogs I picked and I was further picking at them eusa_doh.gif Well, finally my skin has calmed down and I'm ready to start again.

Day 1: I haven't picked today, but my face still looks very irritated. I've got some scabs and red spots that need to heal up. Yesterday I purchased a salicylic acid peel from MUAC, and I'm hoping that if I use it consistently it will help with the clogs that I'm so tempted to pick!


Posted : 11/16/2013 10:19 pm

Have you ever tried Aztec clay mask ?

its really effective on unclogging pores one of the best


Posted : 11/17/2013 12:21 am

On 11/17/2013 at 9:19 AM, LeadingForce said:

Have you ever tried Aztec clay mask ?

its really effective on unclogging pores one of the best

I have seen that at the grocery store before. I always thought a mask wouldn't be strong enough for my clogs. It wouldn't hurt to try though. Thanks for the suggestion!


Posted : 11/18/2013 9:46 am

i want to see the product and to know more about them


Posted : 11/18/2013 9:45 pm

Day 3: Today is day 3 without picking and my skin looks pretty good. I do have some clogs on cheeks though, and it's taking a lot of effort not to pick at them. My salicylic acid peel is coming this week, though, so I'm really excited to see how it will work on my clogs.


Posted : 11/19/2013 5:48 pm

When i see a white head. I HAVE to pop it.

I don't know if that counts as picking but...

I was told on the Regimen, since im starting today.

To just leave the popping for AM and PM.

makes me nervous just thinking about it saywhat.gif


Posted : 11/20/2013 12:12 am

When i see a white head. I HAVE to pop it.

I don't know if that counts as picking but...

I was told on the Regimen, since im starting today.

To just leave the popping for AM and PM.

makes me nervous just thinking about it saywhat.gif

I would consider that picking. You should get some nexcare acne patches. I just discovered them and they're amazing. You put the little patch on the white head it sucks out the white stuff like magic!

Day 4: I almost picked today, but I was able to resist. Almost all the scabs from my last picking session have fallen off, and thankfully I have no new scars.


Posted : 11/20/2013 11:57 pm

Day 5: Still no picking today and pretty much all signs of my last picking session are gone now. My salicylic acid arrived in the mail today! I decided I would test the 8% on my nose first before trying it on my entire face. I applied it and it stung for about 10 seconds and then it subsided. The directions said to leave it on for 3 to 8 minutes and I wound up leaving it on for the entire 8 minutes because it literally felt like I had nothing on my face. I probably could have left it on the whole night, but I washed it off and put on my sodium sulfacetamide lotion like usual. I guess my skin is stronger than I thought! Hopefully it helps with the clogs.


Posted : 11/21/2013 11:59 pm

Day 6: I still haven't picked! I also decided to try the salicylic acid again tonight, but I am leaving it on the whole night because it does not sting at all. Today when I was washing my face I realized I have a few more scars on my cheeks than I thought. More reason to stop picking for good! When I reach my goal of 30 days of no picking I think I may try doing something about the small scars like a TCA peel.


Posted : 11/23/2013 8:10 pm

Day 8: Not much is new. I can't believe I haven't picked at a single thing in 8 days. Surprisingly it is getting much easier the longer I go without doing it.
