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Is This Acne Or What?


Posted : 10/23/2013 5:52 pm




I've been struggling to figure out whats wrong with my skin 2 years now. I've been to 3 dermatologist without any results and I have used pretty much every recommended product, supplement and diet. So far only things that have helped me have been paleo diet, lots of sun, znp bar, minimal use of products and acv. But they helped only a while and were not a cure. My problems are redness and sebum/keratin or something is coming out of my pores leaving white head to most of my pores. It's really disgusting and annoying. Also every time I eat something "unhealthy" I get itching to my face 30 minutes afterwards. Today I ate bread and got itching and tingling to forehead and cheeks and its been continuing like 2 hours now.But It's not like normal itching it feels more like crawling and biting bugs. Also my face has started to feel really irritated because the weather is getting colder. I don't really feel this is acne, I have never had cysts or zits. At the moment I suspect seborrheic dermatitis. I have never seen anyone with this same kind of condition here after 2 years of following the forums. This is really destroying my social life. Here's some pictures, hopefully they are clear enough.

P.S If someone knows any good dermatologist in Aarhus or near Aarhus in Denmark please tell me.


Posted : 10/24/2013 12:56 am

Sounds and looks a lot like Seborrhea Dermatitis, though I'm no dermatologist. The irritation, itching, redness and what appears to be slight flakiness are all key symptoms of SD, which -usually- occurs on the scalp. If you want you can either buy an anti dandruff shampoo (like selsun blue, though any would work. selsun blue is medicated though) or Cortisone cream, which you can buy at any drugstore with 1% hydrocortisone. If I were you I'd buy some and rub it over a small area for a few days and see if there's any improvement. There's no reason not to really, it won't make you break out or anything, so I'd give it a shot. It's like 5 bucks.

And about the sun exposure, I would try to refrain. Yeah, it makes you look/feel better temporarily, but in the long run you're just damaging your skin. Also excess exposure (ie sunburn) eventually causes your face to produce a lot more oil anyways. Of course it's healthy to get some sun, but I wouldn't try to purposefully go a little too overboard. Use some non-comedogenic sunscreen (ie no oil).


Posted : 10/24/2013 8:37 am

Ok, thanks. But I don't think it's flaking, its just sebum coming out of pores and clogging skin. I don't really like using hydrocortisone because of the permament damage it can make. I have used it few times like 5 days a row and it helped a bit.


Posted : 10/24/2013 5:56 pm

i have this too but only mostly on my nose and the sides of it. i can squeeze all those things out and its there the next day again


Posted : 10/24/2013 6:15 pm


I've been struggling to figure out whats wrong with my skin 2 years now. I've been to 3 dermatologist without any results and I have used pretty much every recommended product, supplement and diet. So far only things that have helped me have been paleo diet, lots of sun, znp bar, minimal use of products and acv. But they helped only a while and were not a cure. My problems are redness and sebum/keratin or something is coming out of my pores leaving white head to most of my pores. It's really disgusting and annoying. Also every time I eat something "unhealthy" I get itching to my face 30 minutes afterwards. Today I ate bread and got itching and tingling to forehead and cheeks and its been continuing like 2 hours now.But It's not like normal itching it feels more like crawling and biting bugs. Also my face has started to feel really irritated because the weather is getting colder. I don't really feel this is acne, I have never had cysts or zits. At the moment I suspect seborrheic dermatitis. I have never seen anyone with this same kind of condition here after 2 years of following the forums. This is really destroying my social life. Here's some pictures, hopefully they are clear enough.

P.S If someone knows any good dermatologist in Aarhus or near Aarhus in Denmark please tell me.

well to me it looks like excess sebum on your personally give an sensitive skin exfoliator a try and do it every 2-3 days to see how it goes... you might also be gluten intolerant so try completely removing that along with sugar and starchy food from you diet for a few weeks and see how it goes.. .. I suggest you buy a sensitive skin facewash thats organic that says HYDRATING on it and use that day and night along with a hydrating cream at night.. not moisturiser.. HYDRATE.. and exfoliate every 3-5 days.. i had the redness u had not the rest but used to have itching aswell.. now its gone away..


Posted : 10/25/2013 11:58 am

Ok, thanks, I'll try that. Now I just have to find some good products which is always easier said than done.
