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Small Bumps All Over My Face, Help Please 🙁 +Pics


Posted : 09/15/2013 11:08 am

So Ive been struggling acne since 15 (im 24 now). Sometimes my face looked better, sometime worse but I never experienced acne like this. Basically all my face is covered by tiny flesh colour bumps, most of them are on my forehand, around the temples and cheeks. And chin actually too, so all over my face :( I treated my acne with duac gel since I was 17 or 18 and got juts couple of cysts (hormonal acne maybe) but otherwise my face was clear and even. 2 years ago I started noticing just couple of these small bumps in the temple area but didnt pay much attention to them as they were barely visible. When it was getting worse I thought it might be because of duac gel as I was using it so long. So stopped use it and tried skinoren cream instead, stick with it whole 3 months as I read it should get better after initial breakout.... It was the worst decision ever, I had so so so many cysts that even after 6 months I still have loads of scars (red marks) all over my face. After this experience, I ordered Dans BP treatment, it works basically as well as duac gel (duac contains BP too) so now I just get few pimples here and there, but I still didnt solve the problem with those small bumps. I thought it might be cosmetic acne so I changed my makeup for mineral one, did the same with the blush and changed my powder too. I also started exfoliate with Paulas Choice 2% BHA lotion exfoliant but it looked like my acne was getting worse so I stopped, I was really worried that the skinoren story might happen again. Im really desperate now as nothing helped me yet :/ I was even thinking it could be allergic acne or something and got my blood work done but still waiting for results. I would be so glad for any advice how to get rid of them.. Anyone with the same problem or solution? Thanks very much!!

(it was quite hard to take a picture as those bumps are visible only in sunshine or bad lighting, they arent much visible on the last pic)








Posted : 09/16/2013 1:45 am

I had the same thing on my forehead , it sucks i know . But i have something for you that worked for me , You gotta run or play basketball , it really doesn't matter what you do if you only sweat like hell , trust me if u sweat like hell from workout or whatever , all the oily stuffs under skin will come out because the sweat will push it , then remember to take a warm shower as soon as possible . Do NOT postpone your shower , because now you got all of ur oily n sweat outside of ur skin , don't let it dry and go back into the pore. Also the workout will release the toxin from your body which helps your acne overall


Posted : 09/20/2013 9:05 am

This is exactly what I have :-(
