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Accutane Side Effects?


Posted : 09/01/2013 8:19 pm

I'm 15 and on my 5th month of accutane. my first three months were 40mg a day and i only experienced dry lips and dry skin. my forth month was 60mg a day and that's when it turned bad. i had a headache evey day on it and possible depression. i was extremely upset the whole month for no reason and EXTREMELY lonely. it got to the point where i thought overdosing would take the pain away. im on my fifth month (switched back to 40mg a day) now and i'm still very miserable, lonely and getting head aches. my family has depression if that helps. is the medication making me feel terrible or could i just be really lonely? thank you


Posted : 09/01/2013 8:42 pm

I never had mood changes when I was on it, but I was only on for 4 months. However, I remember seeing depression as a symptom and had to sign something basically saying I or my family couldn't sue the company if I attempted suicide.

My side effects included reddish skin, extreme dryness, hair loss, and my liver started to get affected, which is why I got off of it.


Posted : 09/01/2013 9:00 pm

depression, especially if it runs in your family is not to be taken lightly while on accutane - please tell your doctor, call the office and ask to speak to them if you can't get an appointment

force yourself to get out and get some mild exercise, if even alone, and spend time with your family doing things you enjoy...but please talk to your doctor
