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Eating And Running Your Way Out Of Acne!


Posted : 06/23/2013 4:28 am

Hiya! :)

Ok so i'm speaking out of personal experience here. I am 16 years old, 5'5", 122 lbs fairly skinny and i'd say suffering from moderate acne. Male.

A year ago I started a relatively strict diet to start wih but is easy to follow if you're really determined of finding the cure. Unfortunately for me, I stopped because...well.. i'm a teenager.. I figured hey who cares if I have acne...fck it HAHA!

Anyway, I started doing what I like to call "eating and running your way out of acne" 3 weeks ago and it worked! Its kind of what I was doing last year ( fish,fruits and vegetable and some meat and for liquids tea,milk and water)

Except its more chillax :)

This is what I did!

Diet - #1 eat mainly fish, then some chicken and little to no beef or pork.

#2 Vegetables and fruits. Train yourself to eat more of it and! You have to prefare it yourself, it will help you

adjust faster to eating them.

#3 For liquids drink lots of water, 2-3 cups of green tea and atleast 1 cup milk per day. Drinking water is

very significant in losing acne. Dont ask me how.. :D it's ok to drink soda and alchohol but please..

Only 1 can per week ok? :)

Physical- #1 Run! Run! Run! Seriously though, running helps. It's ok to sweat.. most people will be like

"ERMAGHERD! what about the sweat and the clogged pores?!" All I can say is exercise is very healthy

as well as sweating and some of you are just using the reason of sweat and clogged pores because

you're lazy, so please, get off your're lazy, so please, get off your ass. I skateboard and jog what about you?#2 Move! Move! Move! When you think of exercise, dont think sweatpants and gym.. think about theword "moving" . Even things as simple as doing chores is considered an exercise. At the end of thepost i'll explain why this is significant.-Hygiene and hormones#1 Wash your face twice a day ( morning and evening ) with a mild soap, like those for sensitive skin.Why? Well, who knows, maybe the reason why you have acne is because your soap is destroyingyour skin... harmful chemicals and stuff...#2 Wash your bed sheets. Dead skins on your pillow case can cause infections making acne worse.I have two different set of bed sheet and I change them halfway through the week. Sounds like a lot work? Well yey! More exercise!#3This is one is a hormonal thing that i've observed for a teen male such as myself. Masturbation.Ok, well, for some people this may not be true but for a teen male going through puberty, we experience ups and downs of hormones.. causing acne. My advice is limit masturbation to 3-4 times a week or maybe even less.. like once or twice. Yes its weird and sorry for bringing it up but it reallyseems to affect acne in teen males. Hormones... that's probably why.Ok let's get down to the mental approach of treating acne#1Realize this! You cant trust those big business men in suits to help you. They are out for profit ( most ofthem anyway ).#2 There is no quick cure for acne, it takes time and dedication. IT IS NEVER AS SIMPLE AS TAKING A PILL.#3 Never let acne stop you from being happy. Think about this, do poeple really look at people with acneand say "ugh.. he/she is disgusting" ? The answer is NO. They dont even care.. they'll notice but it wont affect their perception of you... be confident... its true confidence is sexy.. so much so that it even makesother people percieve your acne as a sense of beauty or strength.Oh and probably the most important part of this post.THINK OF FIGHTING ACNE FROM THE INSIDE. Dont just apply this and that.. find ways to prevent acne from growing in the first place. Prevention is better than cure. That's really all I have to say as for myself, i've made peace with the inner me. Remember that this post is spoken out of personal experience not scientific facts. Analyze it and compare it to what's happening with yourself. Thank you for reading it and please feel free to comment and give feedback :)


Posted : 06/23/2013 4:43 am

I like what you've written here, but I disagree on drinking a cup of milk a day. That would be acne-suicide for the majority of acne-prone people. Dairy is HIGHLY inflammatory and a known acne trigger. I'd say swap that with warm/hot lemon water a few times a day. Good post regardless.


Posted : 06/23/2013 5:15 am

I like what you've written here, but I disagree on drinking a cup of milk a day. That would be acne-suicide for the majority of acne-prone people. Dairy is HIGHLY inflammatory and a known acne trigger. I'd say swap that with warm/hot lemon water a few times a day. Good post regardless.

Hello 🙂 this is not the full post, wrong upload sorry 🙂 please refer back to the general acne discussion page for the full post. Thank you
