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Lotion Breakout


Posted : 06/03/2013 11:17 pm

So, I read great reviews of CeraVe lotion on the internet, and hear raves about it from my dermatologist...but, every time I have tried to use it, with a week or so I break out it small white pustules/white heads that look like a rash and sometimes itch. I have gone through this 3 or 4 times and this time I have finally learned my lesson! I started using a different moisturizer yesterday and already my skin is calming down and there are fewer whiteheads. Right now I am using a different moisturizer that doesn't contribute to my breakouts but still isn't great. I am thinking about getting a Paula's Choice moisturizer, but I need something non-greasy that helps me with the Retin-A dryness/sensitivity. I'm confident enough in my skin to go without makeup about 90% of the time, but I just couldn't go out looking like this, so I've been wearing it everyday.

Also, is there any possibility that this could be rosacea? I'm almost 30, and I've had acne since about age 10. After a round or so of Accutane, is it normal to still be getting these breakouts?


Posted : 06/05/2013 5:05 am

Daytime or nightime lotion?

I use neutrogena tone correcting with spf and i love it. I have oily/sensitive/allergy prone/acne prone/ combo skin and its very light. Also gives me a "glow" that im happy with. Its either vitamin c or the sunscreen that does this.

At night i use natures bounty vitamin e cream. This one really helps heal and calm my skin. And its fantastic on a night where i use glycolic night cream which dries my face out for a day or two. Ive tried several night time lotions, but most have something in them that is actively working with skin all night. I think thats what my face doesnt like. I need just a nice normal lotion that moisturizes and thats it.

And it just dawned on me, everything i use is not popular. Its never raved about and its all that works for me. Everytime i try something that has awesome reviews, it gives me trouble. I know thats irrelevant, but i just noticed it. :)

I hope you find one that suits you. So frustrating to have to do the trial and error, but im glad you gave it a few chances to test it out!


Posted : 06/05/2013 8:25 am

Try to apply a SMALL amount of lotion when your skin is still wet, it helps spread the lotion and it penetrates the skin much better !
