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Switching Treatments Immediately.... Or Should I Just Do Nothing At All But Warm Water?


Posted : 05/01/2013 2:04 pm

Alright, so I have a really scarred chin that breakouts out whenever ANYTHING, be it the collar of my shirt to my headphone chords, and I just hate it :(. I want to start healing the red marks and hyperpigmentation, but I know I have to wait till stop breaking out. BUT, I can't stop. It just keeps coming and coming.

I haven't been to the gym or worked out in months because of it, it's a huge blow :( I'm even giving up football, which I absolutely love to play, because of it.

It came to my attention that maybe I'm doing TOO much, like that my skin is too damaged to heal itself any more. I've only been doing Cetaphil, BP, and Moisturizer for 4-5 weeks now but I've seen NO improvement whatsoever. I've completely rehauled my diet, too. Last night I switched to Neutrogena and a Toner to add Salcylic acid to the mix, and I didn't get any negative reaction.

But I don't know how to to stop the sensitivity! No matter what I do, until the sensitivity goes away I'm screwed. The pimples just show up immediately once I'm doing healing the last set. It's an endless cycle and I don't know how I'll ever get to healing the scarring, which is the worst part.

Anyway, will switiching regimens to a more effective one damage skin? Is my skin really damaged, as evident the super easy breakout-ness? Should I just do (Gasp!) nothing at all, except for warm water and maybe a moisturizer?


Posted : 05/02/2013 12:46 am

1.a bha wash(low %, preferably prescribed).

2.good diet - omit dairy,if u havent done that yet.cut off sugar/too oily and spicy food.check if u r intolerant to gluten/rice or night shade.

do a elimination test.add fruits/veggies/good protein. - do yoga,dance or just walk long at least 40mins to 1 hrs at home.stretch or atleast make sure the blood to ur body and specially face is good.sleep atleast 7-8 on time.

4.check ur insulin spike.use med or cinnamon to rectify it.

5.detox in whichever method u can.

what % bp do u use?


do u feel dry?

if not,then dont overdo moisturising.moisturise only when needed.(it actually depends of the region or climate u're from).

i peersonally dont support caveman process for it has done me bad(although i'd done that unintentionally.i was careless and din't use any soap/wash or cleanser on my face for more or less a mnth.and bang!)
