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Help, Popped A Pimple In Danger Triangle And Scared I Will Die From An Infection


Posted : 04/05/2013 6:54 pm

So you know what the danger zone is? It's a region where you should never pop pimples, because if it becomes infected with the staph bacteria on your hands it could spread to your brain and you will die a slow painful death, a disease that makes your eyes turn red and burst, your brain swells. It extends from the philtrum to the top of the bridge of the nose. Which is why I'm worried... at school I felt a pimple in between my eyebrows because I have a unibrow there and I'm always plucking out hairs with my fingernails. But I have a pimple from it, and I tried to pop by squeezing it. But i'm worried all I did was make it go deeper, now it is red and it hurts to touch. But then I found out about this danger zone, and now I am picturing me lying in my deathbed with all my family members telling me goodbye, and crying like there is no tomorrow right now, which there could quite possibly not be (actually it can take 6 days to develop but yea). I just turned 14 today, I really really don't want to die, I have been begging my parents to bring me to the doctor for antibiotics but they keep saying "No you are stupid, you won't get meningitis from a PIMPLE" but PEOPLE HAVE DIED FROM THAT. Would antibiotics work? Do just the ointments work, or do I need to take medicine, or even surgery? My immune system is good (i've never gotten flu or chickenpox in my life) does that lower the risk? If I don't die from this I am NEVER popping a pimple again, not even if it is huge and everyone laughs at me for it. Should I pretend today is the last day of my life, or am I getting worked up over nothing?


Posted : 04/05/2013 7:08 pm

OK, relax, chances that you'll die from this are negligible. Just stop your habit of plucking your eyebrows. Use a trimmer if you want to get rid of excessive hair there. Do you have any medication to put on that spot? Like an antibiotic ointment, BP, tea tree oil? At least you could ice it to reduce inflammation, that should help. Good luck and don't worry, OK?


Posted : 04/05/2013 7:18 pm

Okay, but my dad is still bringing me to the doctor tomorrow, just in case if end up being one of the negligible ones


Posted : 04/05/2013 7:22 pm

Ok, you said they wouldn't, but having your doc look at it won't hurt. Better safe than sorry, right? I'm sure you'll be fine! smile.png


Posted : 04/05/2013 11:39 pm

Oh my goodness, you will be fine! I have squeezed an unGodly amount of pimples in between my eyebrows and I'm still here. Take a deep breath.
