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Accutane Worked Until 2 Years Later... Cysts Came Back - Help


Posted : 04/05/2013 5:25 pm

Two years ago, I was put on accutane. I have severe cystic acne. At one point it got so bad from the accutane and I reached my six months and was so disappointed. It got worse and worse on accutane. But then one day, it started to clear up! It was a miracle, honestly, I was never so happy. Long story short, I had my skin to its normal days... random small break outs that were easy to hide and manageable. I had a zit every now and then with my period and everyone said my skin looked great.

And now... not even a month ago, its back. I have cysts on my face like I once knew. This time around... they come... and they stay for maybe a week and kind of disappear after they "pop." Then I used to have lots of white discharge out and now its mainly the first spurt is the white, and the rest is clear. It feels like its "full" but nothing comes out. Then it kind of goes away and a new one starts fairly close to it. Now these cysts are happening in new areas. The generally were on my cheeks... and forehead... now I have them mainly on my chin. The cheek has one underneath - I feel it - but you cant see it yet. Its really rough and scarred feeling. Then another is on my upper cheek just below my eye.

Does anyone know why this happens or has anyone experienced this after accutane? Why does it come back?!

It came back a little different and there is hope it will go away but one goes and another comes by the time my skin is considered clear. I've changed nothing in my lifestyle or eating habits. Same birth control as forever.

I went to the derm. and he prescribed minocycline and to use differin. I've done this regimen before. No luck. So I'm hoping for prayers to be answered this round.

I'm just looking for something... anything really from anyone who had this and did something to get rid of it or any support. I'm going to be 24 this month and my face is awful. I cry often because I feel ugly again. People stare. They ask whats on my face. I can't keep going through this. It is just the worst thing ever. And there are people worse than me out there and I shouldn't be so frustrated with how bad it is... but its fairly upsetting and I am at a loss right now.

I've uploaded my skin from not even two months ago and what it looks like now.








Posted : 04/06/2013 6:45 pm

I totally know what you're going through, after I finished my accutane course my face stayed clear for 6 months then bammm it came back not as worst as before accutane but still quite unbearable.. so wt i've been doing (and my skin is 100% clear with this) is using dan's regimen (i only purchased the treatment and used my own cleanser and moisturizer) and retin-a 0.1% every 2/3 nights and during those night i would not use the treatment. and so far its been working wonders.

I knw you said u tried the regimen and it didnt work, how long did u use it for? because it took me around 1 month for the treatment to kick in. also, i'm using neostrata's glycolic acid toner which is basically a 10% glycolic and 2% salicylic acid toner and its working really well.


Posted : 04/06/2013 7:07 pm

Thanks for your feedback - I think i will try all of that - I legit just started the stuff im on maybe two weeks ago now so it hasnt had time to do anything but deep down i know it most likeyl wont help - i actually just got a cyst just after i posted this right on my chin again - i have four in the same area. so frustrating
