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Guy Needs Acne Advice/forum Diagnosis


Posted : 03/16/2013 7:59 am


I am 20 years old male looking for some advice before going to the doctors.

I plan to go to my family doctor/dermatologist to do something about my acne (which I had since probably 16yo) over this summer.

I definitely know that I do not have severe acne, probably somewhere between average and mild. My zits usually come up in terms. I would have a week or so without any acne, and then a few (2-4) zits will pop up. When these zits are popped and gone, I would have no acne for a several days, and then new ones will pop up. They come up mostly on my forehead. In the winter, my nose gets pretty irritated with blackheads. The most annoying zits for me are the ones that are like small bumps that dont hurt or come to a whitehead and when popped bleed, then just scar -.-

Basically, I want to treat the reoccurring mild acne on my forehead. Although I used to have zits on my cheeks that would pop up as often, they rarely now.

I do cleanse and lotion daily and usually tone and exfoliate. Also, I do dab Benzoyl Peroxide on active acne, but they dont really prevent.

Do you guys think accutane is suitable for mild acne like mine or are there any recommendations?



Posted : 03/16/2013 10:11 am

Accutane is only given for severe acne. I don't know where you live, but here in Britain you also have to try a full course of antibiotics before Accutane is even mentioned.

It looks like the topical treatments you've tried haven't worked for you but your doctor may be able to recommend something more effective, if not then there are so many other pills to look into before considering Accutane.

Also, please please please stop popping your zits! Unless you want to be left with a face full of scars (like mine.), it's never a good idea.

Learn from my mistake; I waited until I absolutely had to go to see my doctor (I had more acne than skin on my face...) and I really regret it now. Because I left it so late I now have a whole host of other problems like scarring and post-inflammation hyper pigmentation. My advice is to go and see your doctor now to prevent any more damage being done to your skin.

Best wishes :)
