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A Warning About Chemical 'skincare' Products..


Posted : 01/31/2013 3:19 pm

This is just a post to warn people of the possible dangers and damage that can be done by using strong, chemical loaded products on your skin (especially more delicate areas like the face). I suffer from severe Body Dysmorphic Disorder which started from a very young age. From the age of 10, I was using very strong face washes, gels, and moisturisers to try and get rid of the few hormonal spots I had. Every day for 6 years, I piled on every alcohol, perfume, paraben, dye, harsh chemical filled 'skincare' product that I could get my naive hands on. Every year my skin was getting worse. More breakouts, more irritation and dryness. But as a child, what did I know ? I was young, desperate and dumb and I thought the products I was using were safe. Little did I know that they really weren't safe. Infact they've left my skin looking so damaged that I need antidepressants to cope with my appearance. I've caused myself to have an eczema like rash across my entire cheeks which is always itching, weeping and looks bright red. I stopped using chemical products when I was 16. That was nearly 7 years ago. So it's obvious that the damage done to my skin is PERMANENT. Not only that, but it's hypersensitive too. Just getting on with the day is almost impossible. My facial skin has become extremely allergic to almost everything. Even water. I have to spend 25 a week just on bottled water to wash my face with. It's too sore to touch or to lie on when I go to bed.

I guess all I mean to say is please be careful using chemical products ! They've destroyed my skin and life. Don't let them destroy yours too.
