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I Hate My Face


Posted : 01/25/2013 8:14 pm

I'm new to this site , & ov course I have terrie acne black spots and huge pimples my skin is very oily I have tried doxycline, tretione , oxy , ambi , bleaching agents for dark spots .. Everything my skin is sensitive .. I don't know what to do anymore I'm becoming very insecure please help


Posted : 01/25/2013 9:04 pm

You might be defficient in some key nutrients preventing your skin from properly regulating itself. I know this was the case for me when I started breaking out in acne badly after going off ssri's. There are certain things you can take to re establish balance to the body and then once the balance is re established you shouldn't need to keep taking them. Things that have helped my skin immensely are 1 probiotics 2 magnesium/calcium/vitamin d supplements 3 sulfur taking orally and topically. hope that helps some...try not to use anything too harsh. benzolic acid and salycilic acid are good too. also im sure you've heard exercise/diet high in fruits vegetables and other healthy whole food sources


Posted : 01/25/2013 10:18 pm

if you're over washing and putting all those harsh chemicals on ur face It might make ur skin drier which in turn makes you produce more oil and ummm in return I guess u could use lemon and honey mask 3 times a week that's what ima do and as a cleanser just use honey (if you don't wear makeup)


Posted : 01/25/2013 10:33 pm

I recommend trying Vitamin D supplements. kelseylee has mentioned it has helped her along with the other supplements she listed, but for me Vit. D alone has completed eliminated my oily skin and acne. Almost everyone is deficient, and those with darker skin even more so since your skin cannot make as much Vitamin D in the sun as a lighter skinned person. It is highly likely you're Vitamin D deficient. Whether or not it will help with your skin condition I cannot say with certainty, however you should give it a try as Vitamin D is needed for so many other functions in the body for optimal health and to prevent many, many diseases. It's also pretty cheap and doesn't require a doc or prescriptions so I would highly recommend you give it a shot. You can try with 1000IU to 4000IU/day. If it's going to work for you, you should see a significant reduction in oil within two weeks.


Posted : 01/29/2013 8:46 pm

What should I do too those who have viewed my pictures can somebody tell me a solution please
